95th Ohio at the Battle of Richmond Kentucky Part I
For the 95th Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, the disastrous Battle of Richmond, Kentucky served as the
regiment's introduction to the Civil War. Mustering in a mere 8 days
prior to the battle, the regiment marched on the field at Richmond
with the barest knowledge of drill or military maneuvers; the
enlisted men in many cases did not yet know their officers by sight,
and the unit cohesion that was such a critical factor to battlefield
success was altogether missing from not only the 95th
Ohio, but many of the Federal regiments that fought on this field.
Sergeant H. Warren Phelps of Co. H remembered that the neophyte
soldiers marched off to war in the stylish soft leather boots,
“having not yet learned to value the simple army shoe” and
subsequently suffered from sore feet after their rapid march to
Richmond from Lexington, Kentucky.
The regiment fought for less than 40
minutes in this position before McMillen observed McCray’s Texans
exiting the ravine (now known as Churchill's Draw after Confederate
division commander Thomas J. Churchill), effectively outflanking his
regiment on the right. Noting that other units on the field were
already retreating, he determined that “it would be reckless and
useless to continue our assault upon the battery, so I ordered the
regiment to halt and fall back.” In the confusion of battle,
several companies of the 95th Ohio did not hear the order
and remained on the field, pinned down by a cross fire of musketry
and artillery. Lieutenant Colonel James B. Armstrong, left in the
advance with about 160 officers and men, stated that “I must
acknowledge that I did not hear the (retreat) order. Those in advance
with you report the order having been ‘every man save himself!”
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U.S. Flag Collection at Battle of Richmond Visitors' Center |
It was the end of the momentous summer
of 1862, and the Confederacy was on the move from the swamps of
Virginia, to the rolling hills of Kentucky, and westward towards the
Great Plains. Generals Braxton Bragg and Edmund Kirby Smith, each
commanding an army, had decided upon an invasion of Kentucky in an
attempt to turn the tides of war in favor of the Confederacy. Since
the Battle of Shiloh, the Federal armies had tightened their
occupation of the Upper South, taking most of the state of Tennessee,
and setting themselves up on a rough line paralleling the Memphis &
Charleston Railroad between the strategic points of Chattanooga in
the east, and Memphis in the west. The Confederates' bold stroke
would leverage the Federal army out of Tennessee, and open the way
for Kentucky to formally join the Confederacy. The hope was that
thousands of Kentuckians, freed of the stultifying presence of the
Yankees, would flock to the Southern armies.
Kirby Smith's army struck first, and
the Battle of Richmond was the first significant battle of the
Kentucky campaign. As the 20,000 men under his command marched north
from Tennessee, leading elements ran into Federal troops near Bobtown
and again at Kingston on August 29, 1862. The following morning, the
Battle of Richmond began when two brigades under Brigadier General
Patrick R. Cleburne, not yet the Stonewall in the West, slammed into
Federal General Mahlon Manson's 4 regiments of Indiana troops south
of Mount Zion Church along the Richmond-Kingston Pike (now Kentucky
421). Outnumbered, Manson called for reinforcements from the other
Federal brigade in the area under General Charles Cruft.
The 95th Ohio was encamped
on the southern outskirts of Richmond when Manson's frantic summons
arrived. “I was at the commissary drawing rations for the company
when I heard a very heavy cannonading in the direction of Manson’s
brigade,” Sergeant Phelps wrote. “The order was soon given to
fall in line by Colonel McMillen and soon the bugles were sounding
‘Fall in’ and staff officers were galloping over men in their
wild excitement.”
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The 95th Ohio took their first position in this field just south of Mount Zion Christian Church along the Richmond-Kingston Pike. |
“ As soon as possible thereafter, the
line was again formed and at 7 o'clock, we received marching orders.
Taking the advance of the brigade, we were marched rapidly (a portion
of the distance on the double quick) seven miles to front to a point
between Rogersville and Kingston where General Manson’s brigade had
already engaged the enemy,” reported Colonel William L. McMillen.
The 95th marched into their first engagement at nearly
full strength: 29 officers and 835 enlisted men. “Without being
permitted to halt for rest or for the men to close up, we were
marched at once upon the field and required to form our line of
battle under a heavy artillery fire from the enemy and in advance of
our own guns.” Phelps reported that the regiment arrived on the
field “completely exhausted. This being our first experience in
battle, we were ready to exclaim ‘Why don’t them rebels quit
shooting until we get rested?’ or ‘I wish that I was home.’
Everyone no doubt thought of mother, sister, wife, or sweetheart.”
It had been an exceptionally hot and
dry summer in Kentucky. The light rainfall during the summer months
left the roads thick with dust while water proved scarce. On the day
of the battle, the sun beamed down harshly and temperatures rose into
the upper 90s. The rookie regiment quickly found
itself in a hot and desperate fight. General Manson had arrayed the
four regiments of his brigade on rolling ground east of the
Richmond-Kingston pike with two six gun batteries in support.
Confederate troops under Brigadier General Patrick R. Cleburne had
struck hard and early: Col. Benjamin J. Hill’s brigade (2nd,
5th, and 48th Tennessee regiments along with
the consolidated 13th/15th Arkansas regiment
supporting Capt. James P. Douglas’ Texas battery) hit the left of
Manson’s brigade, while a brigade of dismounted Texas cavalry under
Col. Thomas H. McCray quietly swept through a ravine around the Union
right flank.
Cruft ordered the 95th Ohio
into position in the broken woodland on the right of the
Richmond-Kingston Pike near Mount Zion Church, with the 18th
Kentucky on the left, the 12th and 66th Indiana
regiments behind them in reserve. Manson previously had stationed the
69th Indiana in this sector, but had moved all but three
companies to reinforce his threatened left. The two brigades numbered
roughly 6,000 men, facing a roughly equal number of veteran
Confederate troops. “In a few moments after these dispositions were
made, the cannonading ceased and an advance of infantry was made,
showing not only a superior front to ours but very large numbers at
each flank,” Cruft wrote. “His approach was manfully resisted.”
General Manson ordered the 95th
Ohio to cross the road and charge Humphrey's Artillery that was moving into position 400 yards away. The
order smacked of desperation dipped in the milk of folly: veteran
troops would have shrunk from the assignment; raw recruits would be
slaughtered trying to carry it out, and soon were. Regardless of the
propriety of the order, McMillen ordered the men to fix bayonets, and
marched towards the guns, passing behind and to the right of the
three companies 69th Indiana still west of the pike. ”We
looked in front and saw in the distance huge piles of leafy brush,
behind which the main force of the rebels had been concealed with
their artillery. The firing was terrific and as the enemy advanced on
us, firing volley after volley, our men fell fast. Three of my own
company fell dead at the first fire, and as many more from each of
the other companies,” Sergeant Phelps wrote.
Interpretive maps showing the initial phases of the battle. |
“As they approached the battery, they
were met by a murderous cross fire, which thinned their ranks, and
created not a panic, but a momentary confusion,” reported one
member of the regiment. In the ranks of Company D, the first man
killed was Private John B. Huffman. Earlier that morning, Huffman
gave his younger brother Peter his watch and other valuables,
convinced that he would be killed in the engagement. “The regiment
had been on the firing line but a few moments when a solid shot from
a Confederate field piece struck Huffman squarely in the face,”
reported Private James H. Burke. “It scattered his brains all over
the face and hair of Sylvester Bruckner who stood on Huffman’s left
in line. The incident made quite an impression on me.”
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Mount Zion Church |
It was around 10:30 in the morning when
the first Union line collapsed. “A few companies were brought off
in tolerable order, but the panic was well-nigh universal,”
reported General Cruft. “At this juncture the whole thing was fast
becoming shameful. No appeals availed at first to stop officers or
men.” About a mile behind the lines, Cruft and Manson had deployed
their cavalry (the 6th, 7th, and 9th
Kentucky Cavalry regiments with the 9th Pennsylvania
Cavalry regiment under the command of Brig. Gen. James S. Jackson) in
front of the two reserve regiments from Cruft’s brigade to stem the
tide, and the shaken regiments started to reform in a cornfield.
Sergeant Phelps remembered that “we were ordered to retreat, which
order we willingly obeyed. We went back two miles under a terrific
fire, men constantly falling either killed or wounded. A little after
noon, we were reformed to make another stand, but found that there
were about 300 missing from the regiment. I was then in command of
the company as all of the officers were missing.”
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Shell Scar at Mt. Zion Church |
The battlefield around Mount Zion
Church, and the church itself, was the subject of a tour I made last
week. The battlefield is well marked with interpretive signage, and
the rolling landscape (at least in this sector of this field) is only
partially developed. Interestingly, the old church actually shows
some scars on its southern face from Confederate shells which struck
the church during the battle. The church was used as a field hospital
during the battle and about 40 of the men who died there were buried
in a mass grave until they were exhumed and moved to Camp Nelson
National Cemetery in 1868. The general position of the Confederate
line was in the area now occupied by Pleasant View Farm and
Battlefield Park about a half mile south of Mount Zion Church.
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Marker in front of Mount Zion Church |
I will post Part II soon to discuss the Duncannon Lane and Richmond Cemetery portions of this battle. http://dan-masters-civil-war.blogspot.com/2017/07/95th-ohio-infantry-at-battle-of.html
At the end of the year, Northwest Ohio History magazine will be publishing my article entitled "A Mere Collection of Citizens: The 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry at the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky."
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