The Legend of Scotty: John Gray of the 5th Ohio
On March 14, 1864, the 5 th Ohio Infantry had just reconvened at Camp Dennison after their 30-day veteran’s furlough and were in the process of getting organized to return to the front in March 1864. That day there was an impressive ceremony staged to honor one of the most notable characters in the regiment, Private John Gray also known as “Scotty.” The object of the ceremony was to present Scotty with the Medal of Honor for his heroism at the Battle of Port Republic 20 months earlier. Unfortunately, not much is known about John Gray’s life before or after the war. We do know that he was born in 1836 in Dundee, Scotland and had emigrated to the U.S. prior to the war and that he was a Cincinnati, Ohio resident at the time of his enlistment. He joined Co. B of the 5 th Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a private. The company arrived at camp in May 1861 attired in gaudy Highland uniforms complete with kilts; they soon traded in their tartans for regulation Army blue and went to war. Civil Wa