"Our Kirby:" Colonel Joseph L. Kirby Smith and the 43rd Ohio at the Battle of Corinth
Colonel Joseph Lee Kirby Smith, 43rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Died of wounds October 12, 1862 at Corinth, Mississippi "Our Kirby" Colonel Joseph Lee Kirby Smith was born July 25, 1836 in New York, New York into a military family- his grandfather Joseph L. Smith served as a Colonel during the War of 1812 and his father Ephraim Kirby Smith (known as E. Kirby Smith during his lifetime) was killed during the Mexican War while serving as a Major in the 5 th U.S. Infantry. Joseph entered West Point from the state of New York in 1853; he graduated sixth of the class of 1857 and entered service with the topographical engineers. The onset of the Civil War deepened the fissure already present in his family. His uncle was the notable Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, who like his older brother, was an old Army regular and veteran of the Mexican War. Joseph bore a deep dislike of his uncle as Edmund took the name of E. Kirby Smith following the death of Joseph’s father; Jos