Dan Masters' Civil War Chronicles

In an effort to make it easier to navigate my Civil War blog posts, here's a guide to the various accounts I've posted since 2017 that breaks down the posts by unit, battle, or subject:

Dedication of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Perrysburg, Ohio in 1901. 

Top Posts of 2024

Civil War Center Podcasts with Andrew Lucien

Department No. 2 Podcasts with Derrick Lindow and Darryl Smith
Stones River Part 1: Spotify Link  YouTube Link
Stones River Part 2: Spotify Link YouTube Link
Stones River Part 3: Spotify Link YouTube Link
Western Theater Bull Session: YouTube Link

Diary Discoveries Podcast
Castle Thunder Prison Survivor: A Civil War Story featuring story of Gillis McBane, 73rd Indiana, captured at Stones River

Home Brew History Podcast with Joseph Ricci and Bo Trisler

Emerging Civil War Podcast with Chris Mackowski

Civil War Roundtable Congress
Echoes of Battle: Annals of Ohio's Soldiers in the Civil War

Civil War Talk

No Pollution of Cowardice Podcast with Dan Casella

Battlefield Tours

Hell by the Acre Book Reviews:

4th Alabama Infantry

5th Alabama Infantry

6th Alabama Infantry

12th Alabama Infantry

15th Alabama Infantry

16th Alabama Infantry

19th Alabama Infantry

20th Alabama Infantry

22nd Alabama Infantry

35th Alabama Infantry

36th Alabama Infantry

39th Alabama Infantry

41st Alabama Infantry

42nd Alabama Infantry
Charging Battery Robinett: An Alabama Soldier Recalls the Vicious Fighting at Corinth

50th Alabama Infantry

58th Alabama Infantry

Hilliard's Legion

Semple's Alabama Battery

51st Alabama Partisan Rangers

1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles

3rd Arkansas Infantry

6th Arkansas Infantry

39th Arkansas Infantry

Wiggins' Arkansas Battery

Woodruff's Arkansas Battery

Army of the Cumberland

Army of Tennessee

11th Army Corps

20th Army Corps

1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry

4th Confederate Infantry

8th Confederate Cavalry

7th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

1st Connecticut Volunteer Cavalry

C.S.S. Louisiana

1st Delaware Volunteer Infantry

2nd Delaware Volunteer Infantry

Robertson's Florida Battery

2nd Georgia Infantry

3rd Georgia Infantry

10th Georgia Infantry

14th Georgia Infantry

18th Georgia Infantry

21st Georgia Infantry

47th Georgia Infantry
A Rebel View of Chickamauga: Benjamin Williams of the 47th Georgia

55th Georgia Infantry

3rd Battalion, Georgia Sharpshooters

Cherokee Light Artillery

1st Georgia Cavalry

2nd Georgia Cavalry

Phillips Georgia Legion

7th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

11th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

12th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

13th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

14th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

15th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

17th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

19th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

22nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

24th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

26th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

27th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

33rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

36th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

41st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

42nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

44th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

49th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

50th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

59th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
A Buckeye at Pea Ridge

61st Illinois Volunteer Infantry
The Desperate Unceasing Battle: the 61st Illinois at Shiloh

64th Illinois Volunteer Infantry "Yates' Sharpshooters"

66th Illinois Volunteer Infantry "Western Sharpshooters"

73rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

79th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

83rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

84th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

88th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

95th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

100th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

107th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

108th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

111th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

113th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

114th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
The Worst Managed Affair of the War: An Illinois Sergeant on the Debacle at Brice's Crossroads

115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

122nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

123rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

145th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

4th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry
Grant's Bodyguard: An Illinois Trooper at Fort Donelson

8th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry

Battery A, 1st Illinois Light Artillery
Horrors of War: A Chicago Gunner at Shiloh
Losing Our Battery: At the railroad cut at Atlanta

Battery B, 1st Illinois Light Artillery
A Dutchman at Belmont

Chicago Board of Trade Battery

Chicago Mercantile Battery

7th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

8th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

9th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

10th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

13th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

15th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

16th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

17th Indiana Mounted Infantry

19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

24th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

25th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

29th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

30th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

32nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry

33rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry

34th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

36th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

38th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

39th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

40th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

44th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Kept Step to the Music of Cannons: Captain Merrill Leads His Hoosiers in Fort Donelson

51st Indiana Volunteer Infantry

58th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

65th Indiana Mounted Infantry

67th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

69th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

71st Indiana Volunteer Infantry

72nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry

73rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Diary Discoveries Podcast: Castle Thunder Prison Survivor: A Civil War Story featuring diary of Gillis McBane, 73rd Indiana, captured at Stones River

74th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

75th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

80th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

81st Indiana Volunteer Infantry

85th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

86th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

93rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry

129th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

4th Indiana Battery

8th Indiana Battery

22nd Indiana Battery

26th Indiana Battery

Co. H, 7th Iowa in Corinth, Mississippi in 1862

Escaping the Hornet's Nest at Shiloh

3rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry

5th Iowa Volunteer Infantry

7th Iowa Volunteer Infantry

9th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Frederick S. Washburn of the 9th Iowa and Pea Ridge

14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry

31st Iowa Volunteer Infantry

1st Iowa Cavalry

2nd Iowa Volunteer Cavalry

2nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, U.S.

4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, U.S.
The Odyssey of Zollicoffer's Body

4th Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A.

9th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, U.S.

15th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, U.S.

16th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry

18th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, U.S.

2nd Kentucky Cavalry, C.S.A.

3rd Kentucky Cavalry, C.S.A.

1st Special Battalion, Louisiana Volunteers
"Wheat's Tigers"
The Galvanized Yankee of Steubenville, Ohio

1st Louisiana Regular Infantry

3rd Louisiana Infantry

3rd Battalion, Louisiana Infantry 

9th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent) 

11th Louisiana Infantry

11th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent)

16th Louisiana Infantry

Crescent Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers

Madison Light Artillery

5th Company, Washington Light Artillery (Louisiana)

6th Maine Volunteer Infantry

10th Maine Volunteer Infantry

20th Maine Volunteer Infantry

4th Maine Battery Light Artillery

Purnell Legion (Maryland)

15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

21st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

25th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

34th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

38th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

49th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

2nd Massachusetts Light Artillery

1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry

3rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry

4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

5th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

6th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

8th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

9th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

12th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

13th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

16th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

18th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry

Battery B, 1st Michigan Light Artillery

1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry

4th Michigan Cavalry

1st Michigan Engineers and Mechanics

1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

A Fight for Corn: Eight Medals of Honor Awarded at Nolensville

3rd Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

4th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

7th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

9th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

3rd Mississippi Infantry 

10th Mississippi Infantry

11th Mississippi Infantry

14th Mississippi Infantry

15th Mississippi Infantry

16th Mississippi Infantry

20th Mississippi Infantry

22nd Mississippi Infantry

24th Mississippi Infantry

37th Mississippi Infantry

40th Mississippi Infantry

44th Mississippi Infantry

45th Mississippi Infantry

1st Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters

1st Mississippi Cavalry

Jeff Davis Legion

Stanford's Mississippi Battery

2nd Missouri Volunteer Infantry 

6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

13th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

15th Missouri Volunteer Infantry
Lost from the O.R. Volume II: The 15th Missouri at the Battle of Stones River

18th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

29th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

31st Missouri Volunteer Infantry

Battery C, 1st Missouri Light Artillery

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

7th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry

New York Infantry Regiments

5th New York Volunteer Infantry (Duryee's Zouaves)

8th New York Volunteer Infantry

9th New York Volunteer Infantry (Hawkins' Zouaves)

11th New York Volunteer Infantry (Ellsworth's Zouaves)

44th New York Volunteer Infantry

48th New York Volunteer Infantry

54th New York Volunteer Infantry

63rd New York Volunteer Infantry

77th New York Volunteer Infantry

87th New York Volunteer Infantry

94th New York Volunteer Infantry

100th New York Volunteer Infantry

107th New York Volunteer Infantry

114th New York Volunteer Infantry

123rd New York Volunteer Infantry

126th New York Volunteer Infantry
Stopping Pickett's Charge: the 126th New York at Gettysburg

134th New York Volunteer Infantry

136th New York Volunteer Infantry

149th New York Volunteer Infantry

150th New York Volunteer Infantry

154th New York Volunteer Infantry
Used Up at Gettysburg: the 154th New York
Storming Rocky Face Ridge with the 154th New York

157th New York Volunteer Infantry

161st New York Volunteer Infantry
A New Yorker at Port Hudson

11th Independent Battery, New York Light Artillery

18th Independent Battery, New York Light Artillery

8th New York Heavy Artillery

2nd North Carolina State Troops

Branch's Artillery (North Carolina)

Ohio Infantry Regiments

4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

13th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
The 13th Ohio and the School of the Soldier

19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

20th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Private Sidney Brewster, Co. C, 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

22nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry (also known as 13th Missouri)

Awful Scenes of Carnage: A Buckeye Recalls Franklin

27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Brigham's War: Letters from the 27th Ohio Infantry
 Part I, Part II, Part III

34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry "1st Ohio Zouaves"

35th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

37th Ohio Volunteer Infantry "Third German"

38th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
A "Yankee" Trick Played on the 38th Ohio

40th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
The Galvanized Yankee of Steubenville, Ohio

45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

46th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
"Crank" Worthington's Boys at Shiloh

Private Robert M. Burnard, Co. A, 47th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
The Prisoner Who Never Surrendered: The Adventure of John J. Geer, 48th Ohio Infantry
Finding Grandpa Saul

50th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

53rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Through the Carolinas with the 55th Ohio

56th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Arming Sherman's Buckeyes at Paducah
Flags of Chickasaw Bayou

59th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

60th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

63rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Storming Fort Wagner with the 67th Ohio

68th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
71st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Arming Sherman's Buckeyes at Paducah

74th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

76th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

77th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

79th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

80th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

81st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Cary Lockhart Nelson of the 81st Ohio at Shiloh

82nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
The Delano Morey Medal of Honor Story

88th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

89th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

96th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

97th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

At the Center of Hell: The 100th Ohio at Franklin

101st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Charles Barney Dennis at Stones River: Part I, II, III, IV, and V

103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Civil War Seattle podcast with Richard Heisler: Perryville and the 105th Ohio
Thumping Morgan at Vaught's Hill

107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

113th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Killed at Kennesaw: Death of Lieutenant Dungan of the 113th Ohio

115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

118th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry/ 5th U.S. Colored Troops

171st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

183rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
10 Days to Franklin: The 183rd Ohio Goes to War

189th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Cutting Our Way Out at Lovejoy Station

6th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry

9th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry

1st Ohio Battery

6th Ohio Battery

18th Ohio Battery

25th Ohio Battery

Williams' Ohio Battery
A Scary Affair at Scary Creek

23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Buckeyes at the Battle of Fair Oaks

27th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

62nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

63rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Captain Reid of the 63rd Pennsylvania at Fair Oaks

71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

76th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (Keystone Zouaves)

77th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

78th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Bullets Were Flying Rather Fast: The 78th Pennsylvania and Pickett's Mill 

79th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

88th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

102nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Buckeyes at the Battle of Fair Oaks

119th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

133rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

139th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

150th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

7th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry

11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry

15th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry

Independent Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery

1st South Carolina (Provisional Army)

18th South Carolina Infantry

13th Tennessee Volunteers

16th Tennessee Volunteers
Assaulting the Round Forest: A Confederate Viewpoint 

18th Tennessee Volunteers

19th Tennessee Volunteers

20th Tennessee Volunteers

26th Tennessee Volunteers

30th Tennessee Volunteers

154th (Senior) Tennessee Infantry

1st Tennessee Cavalry

4th Tennessee Cavalry

18th/19th Tennessee Cavalry

20th Tennessee Cavalry

1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery

Carnes' Tennessee Light Artillery Battery

Battery E, Tennessee Light Artillery (U.S.)

1st Texas Infantry
One of the 17 2/3 %: A Texan Survives Antietam

4th Texas Infantry

5th Texas Infantry

9th Texas Infantry

25th Texas Cavalry

Ector's Texas Cavalry Brigade

10th U.S. Infantry

12th U.S. Infantry

19th U.S. Infantry

5th U.S. Colored Troops

1st U.S. Sharpshooters (Berdan's)
On the Peninsula with Berdan's Sharpshooters

Rockbridge Artillery (Virginia)

Western Federals

4th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry

Battery C, 1st West Virginia Light Artillery

1st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
With the 1st Wisconsin at Chaplin Hills

5th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

10th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

14th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

15th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

16th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

18th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

21st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

23rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

37th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

1st Wisconsin Battery

3rd Wisconsin Battery
Sustaining the Honor of Old Wisconsin: The Badger Bull Dogs Bark Bragg Out of Kentucky

2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry

4th Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry

U.S.S. Kennebec

U.S.S. Lexington

U.S.S. Minnesota

U.S.S. Monitor

U.S.S. Oneida

U.S.S. Pittsburgh

U.S.S. Samson

U.S.S. Tuscumbia

U.S.S. Varuna


Ammunition Manufacture


Andrews' Raid (April 1862)

Among the Wounded at Antietam (15th Massachusetts)


Army of Tennessee


Sack of Athens, Alabama

Losing Our Battery: At the railroad cut at Atlanta (Battery A, 1st Illinois Light Artillery)


Balloon Corps

Banks' Expedition to Louisiana

General Francis C. Barlow

Baton Rouge

Bayou Fourche

Civil War Center Podcast with Andrew Lucien: 
Battle of Belmont
A Dutchman at Belmont (1st Illinois Light Artillery)

Berryville Wagon Raid
Lost from the O.R.: The Berryville Wagon Raid (144th OVI)

General Braxton Bragg

Brice's Crossroads
Gunned Down at Guntown (20th Tennessee Cavalry)

General Don Carlos Buell

General Benjamin Butler

First Bull Run

Second Bull Run

Bull Run Bridge



Camp Life

Carnifex Ferry

Carolinas Campaign

Cedar Creek

Cedar Mountain

Centralia Massacre


Champion Hill
Saying Goodbye to a Brother (56th Ohio)

A Conversation with Stonewall Jackson (Capt William D. Wilkins)



Federal guns in Brotherton's Field at Chickamauga



The Civil War Center

Civil War Reenacting

General Patrick R. Cleburne

Colt Revolving Rifles


Company Names

Confederate Generals

Confederate Newspapers

Confederate Uniforms

Cook & Brother Rifle Manufacturing

Cool Spring

Corinth (May 1862)

Corinth (October 1862)
Charging Battery Robinett: An Alabama Soldier Recalls the Vicious Fighting at Corinth

Corps Badges

Lt. Col. Leroy Crockett, 72nd OVI

Cross Keys
A Hoosier Gunner at Cross Keys (26th Indiana Battery)

Cumberland Gap

Davis or Hatchie Bridge
Davis' Crossroads/Dug Gap



Dingle's Mill

Dobson's Ferry

Dug Gap (May 8, 1864)


Echoes of Battle

Election of 1860

Emerging Civil War Blog

Enfield Rifle Muskets


Ezra Church

Fair Oaks/Seven Pines

Fallen Timbers

Flag Presentations

Federal Gunboat Raid on Florence, Alabama


Nathan Bedford Forrest

Fort Anderson

Fort Donelson
Kept Step to the Music of Cannons: Captain Merrill Leads His Hoosiers in Fort Donelson (44th Indiana)

Fort Fisher

Fort Henry

Forts Jackson & St. Philip

Fort Kearny

Fort McAllister

Fort McHenry

Fort Pillow

Fort Pulaski

Fort Wagner

Fourth of July

First Franklin

Fredericksburg (1862)

Fredericksburg (1863)

Freeman's Ford

General John W. Fuller

Fulton County (Ohio) Historical Museum

Gaines Mill

Gainesville (Florida)

Gainesville (Va.)/Groveton/Brawner's Farm


1st Minnesota charging at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863

Lost on Little Round Top (16th Michigan)

Giles Courthouse

Glorieta Pass

Good's Farm (Harrisonburg)

General John B. Gordon

General Charles K. Graham

Grand Gulf


Grierson's Raid

Hall's Gap, Kentucky


Hampton Roads

Hardin County (Ohio) Historical Museum

Hatchie or Davis' Bridge

Hawk's Nest

General William B. Hazen

Colonel Hans C. Heg

Holly Springs

Honey Hill

General John Bell Hood

Occupation of Huntsville, Alabama

General Stephen A. Hurlbut

Iron Brigade

Island No. 10


Ivy Mountain
Guns of Ivy Mountain (Battery D, 1st OVLA)
Ambushed at Ivy Mountain (16th Kentucky)

General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson

General Joseph E. Johnston

Breaking the Macon & Western Railroad (65th Ohio)

Keller's Bridge

Kentucky Campaign (1862)
Sustaining the Honor of Old Wisconsin: The Badger Bull Dogs Bark Bragg Out of Kentucky

First Kernstown



Knob Gap

General Mortimer D. Leggett


Wilder's Lightning Brigade

Lookout Mountain

Lorenz Rifles

Lovejoy Station

Malvern Hill

March to the Sea


Maryland Campaign

General Alexander McDowell McCook

The Delano Morey Medal of Honor Story (82nd Ohio)

General James B. McPherson

General George G. Meade

Mine Run


General Daniel Morgan (Revolutionary War)

General John Hunt Morgan

Mud March



Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad

General William "Bull" Nelson

New Orleans

Newspaper Indexes

New Years

A Fight for Corn: Eight Medals of Honor Awarded at Nolensville


Ohio River
The Ohio River Highway

Opequon/Third Winchester

Paducah, Kentucky

Parker's Crossroads

Pea Ridge
The Pea Ridge Pards (36th Illinois)

Peach Tree Creek

Peninsula Campaign


Civil War Seattle podcast with Richard Heisler: Perryville and the 105th Ohio


Pickett's Mill
Bullets Were Flying Rather Fast: The 78th Pennsylvania and Pickett's Mill
Finding Grandpa Saul (49th Ohio) 

Plum Point Bend

Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk

Port Gibson

Sufferings Inconceivable: The Horrors of Port Hudson (38th Massachusetts)

Port Republic

Prairie Grove

Princeton Court House

Prisoner of War Experience
We have suffered everything but death: Travails of a Shiloh P.O.W. (Battery B, 1st Michigan Light Artillery) 



Richmond (Kentucky)

Ringgold (Taylor's Ridge)

Roanoke Island

Rocky Face Ridge

General William S. Rosecrans

Rowena Blankenship, Ohio Poet
The Horrors of Sixty-Two: Rowena Blankenship and New Year's Eve 1863

Sabine Crossroads

Salem Church

Scarey Creek
A Scary Affair at Scary Creek (Williams' Independent Battery)

General Alexander Schimmelfennig


Sequatchie Valley Raid

Seven Days

Seven Pines- see Fair Oaks


Shenandoah Valley Campaign (1864)

General Philip Sheridan

The 3rd Iowa Defends the Peach Orchard at Shiloh

A Riverfront View of Shiloh (U.S.S. Lexington)
We have suffered everything but death: Travails of a Shiloh P.O.W. (Battery B, 1st Michigan Light Artillery) 

General Joshua W. Sill

Snaggy Point

South Mountain
A Fighting Chaplain at South Mountain (Phillips Georgia Legion)

Spanish Fort

Spotsylvania Courthouse


Springfield Rifle Muskets

Spring Hill

Squirrel Hunters

Stones River
Civil War Center Podcast with Andrew Lucien: Battle of Stones River
Dept. No. 2 Podcasts Stones River Part 1: Spotify Link  YouTube Link
Stones River Part 2: Spotify Link YouTube Link
Stones River Part 3: Spotify Link YouTube Link

Diary Discoveries Podcast: Castle Thunder Prison Survivor: A Civil War Story featuring diary of Gillis McBane, 73rd Indiana, captured at Stones River
With the Regular Artillery at Stones River (Battery H, 5th U.S.)
"Pork & Beans" Writes of Stones River and the Regular Brigade (Battery H, 5th U.S.)
Summoning Hell's Helf Acre: The 41st Ohio in the Round Forest
Assaulting the Round Forest: A Confederate Viewpoint (16th Tennessee)
All the Fury of Demons: The 65th Ohio at Stones River
"When the Lightning Flashed, I Could See the Bodies of Three Confederates lying only a few yards from me." (1st Wisconsin Infantry)
"My God! Leave me George and save the battery!"  (5th Wisconsin Battery)
Beastly Drunk: The Dismissal of Colonel William B. Cassilly, 69th Ohio Infantry
Charles Barney Dennis at Stones River (101st OVI): Part I, II, III, IV, and V
The Saga of Battery G: A Desperate Escape from the Slaughter Pen at Stones River (Battery G, 1st OVLA)
Lost from the O.R. Volume II: The 15th Missouri at the Battle of Stones River
A Sentence of Fire: Wheeler's Raid Around Rosecrans at Murfreesboro


Streight's Raid

Stuart's Ride Around McClellan




General William R. Terrill

General George H. Thomas

Thompson's Station

Father Jeremiah F. Trecy


Tunnel Hill

Vaught's Hill

Vicksburg (1862)


Colonel George P. Webster

Western Theater in the Civil War Blog

Wiard Rifled Cannon
Wiards of Ohio


Wilson's Creek

Wilson's Raid


Yazoo River Expedition

Sergeant Thomas Walters (left)  and pard, both of Co. I, 111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry


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Arming the Buckeyes: Longarms of the Ohio Infantry Regiments

Bullets for the Union: Manufacturing Small Arms Ammunition During the Civil War

Dressing the Rebels: How to Dye Butternut Jeans Cloth

The Vaunted Enfield Rifle Musket

In front of Atlanta with the 68th Ohio

Charging Battery Robinett: An Alabama Soldier Recalls the Vicious Fighting at Corinth

The Bullet Magnet of Stones River: Dr. Yoder’s Wound Catalogue

The Rebels Flew Right and Left: A Hoosier at Mill Springs

Life in the Hell-Hole