More In the Wind Than We Bargained For: The Seven Days with the 3rd New Jersey
Charles Hamilton Bacon, a private
serving in the Cumberland Grays (Co. F) of the 3rd New Jersey
Volunteer Infantry, was the West Jersey Pioneer’s regular army
correspondent. The 32-year-old father of five had been working as a roller in
Bridgeton, New Jersey when he joined the Grays in 1861, and soon after taking
the field he commenced sending back a superb letters detailing his army
experiences. As discussed on John Banks’ blog, Charles was
killed in action September 14, 1862, during the Battle of Crampton’ Gap,
Maryland and was buried under an elm tree on the Jacob Goodman farm, land now preserved
by the American Battlefield Trust.
Among Charles’ final missives
are the two letters below describing his regiment’s experiences during the
Seven Days battles in June 1862, starting with the Battle of Mechanicsville on
June 26th through Malvern Hill on July 1st. The 3rd
New Jersey was part of the First Brigade (George W. Taylor) of the First
Division (Henry Slocum) of General William B. Franklin’s 6th Army
Corps and saw its heaviest action at Gaines Mill on June 27th. And
as Charles tells it, by the end of the Battle of Gaines Mill, it was clear that
there was “more in the wind than we bargained for.”
His letters describing the Seven Days campaign originally appeared in the July 19, 1862, and August 2, 1862, editions of the West Jersey Pioneer published in Bridgeton, New Jersey. I have taken the liberty of combining the two letters to make a cohesive narrative.
Camp near James River, Virginia
July 8 and 20, 1862
Mr. Editor,
Since I last
wrote you, we have been having some of the practical work of armies. On the 19th
of June, our brigade moved from Mechanicsville to Fair Oaks where we had a good
opportunity of seeing what we might expect to realize if we should ever be
called upon to enter the field of battle. It is a very pretty thing for those
at a distance to read the very highly colored paper correspondence that as a
general rule are made up of camp gossip and almost invariably reflect undue
credit upon their own particular state or discredit upon some other, but if we
are not mistaken, history will show that Jersey had not been the least in
courage and endurance in putting down this rebellion.
We have had
more or less fighting every day since the 19th of June up to the 6th
day of the present month. As you are posted in the general news, I shall
confine myself to Co. F as much as possible. It had not been our duty
heretofore to write about casualties and the bravery of the Cumberland Grays,
but we are sure that old Cumberland will not be ashamed of her representatives
when it is known that they braved when called upon to face the foe. The whole
regiment acquitted themselves like veterans. When we were drawn up in line to
go and face the enemy, General Fitz-John Porter, who had command of the field, rode
up to our rear and said, “Now my boys you go down to battle. You are Jerseymen,
let us see that you are not degenerate sons of the old Jersey stock. Jersey is
a little state, but a big one now. Three cheers for New Jersey!” Of course they
were given with an emphasis.
Major General Fitz-John Porter |
Of the battle
Thursday [June 26th] we were but silent listeners except that we
joined in the rejoicing that took place during the evening over the drubbing
that Porter had given them. The next day very early in the morning [Gaines Mill- June 27th]
we were formed in line and marched down to the Chickahominy near New Bridge
but were soon ordered back to camp. Scarcely had we stacked our arms and gone
for our breakfast when the Rebels began shelling our camp. We had to fall in
and prepare for battle which they showed a disposition to give, but they were
soon drove back from that point and we marched back to camp. A third time we
were ordered to report at Ball’s Bridge on the double quick, and away we went,
many making the remark that ‘The third time never failed.’ Neither did it this
time, and I am in hopes the next time we start onward for Richmond will not
When our
brigade went on the field, I thought it was one of the grandest sights I ever
saw, but the scene was soon to change. To see artillery, cavalry, and infantry
drawn up in line on rolling land is a very nice thing to look at, but to go
down in woods filled with men pouring out a perfect hailstorm of bullets is
looking at the other side of the picture, but we went in with a shout and a
cheer. Co. F being the color company, we suffered very much. Your correspondent’s
place was the second file from the flag. Soon they began to fall on each side
of me, but steadily onward we moved in face of the foe, nor did they give back
until they were ordered to do so, and that was not done until we were
completely outflanked by superior numbers.
Thus the 4th New
Jersey was all taken prisoner except the few who were left in camp. The 3rd
New Jersey lost more in killed and wounded than any of our brigade. The
Cumberland Grays lost 27 in killed and wounded. [Names omitted] Most of them
are doing well but our company is pretty well thinned out, quite a number
having left on account of sickness.
It had been a hard day with us,
and everything looked dark at the close of the fight, yet one could not see
that any depression was exhibited. We returned to camp that night with but
little thought of what we were to go through the week following, but things
began to show themselves very early the next morning [June 28th] for
at the dawn of day, the breaking up of camp and the destruction of property was
begun. Our brigade was under arms very early- just then we learned that the
boys of the 4th New Jersey had been captured on Friday. It was then
that we began to realize that there was more in the wind than we had bargained
for, but you may rest assured that the spirit expressed was ‘Little Mac knows
more than we.’ On Saturday, General Longstreet, thinking that we had begun a
precipitate retreat, took one of his brigades and advanced on our main front to
take possession of the height occupied by General [Baldy] Smith’s division which they thought was vacated. They charged
on the works at a right shoulder shift; our men reserved their fire until they
were within a few paces of the works then let go on them with a terrible fire
of grape and canister, mowing down the whole except 12 men who were taken
prisoners. This terrible slaughter ended the fighting for that day. [The
engagement Bacon is referring to was known as the Battle of Golding’s Farm in
which General Robert Toombs and Colonel George T. Anderson launched their brigades
into an assault against Baldy Smith’s division; as Bacon states, the assault
was repulsed with hefty losses for the Confederates but not nearly as dire as he
describes. The engagement convinced McClellan to continue his retreat to the James
About 12 o’clock
that night [June 29th], we took up our march in the direction of the
James River. When in the neighborhood of Savage Station, we rested. As soon as
day began to appear, a line of battle was formed; when those not in that line
took up their line of march for the next range of hills where they formed a
similar line, and the first line passed in turn, and then in alternate
succession the day of Sunday was passed, and we camped at a place called Peach
Orchard. Sunday was the great day of our retreat Our sick and wounded had not
gotten ahead enough to be out of the way. We shall never forget the sights we
witnessed. Skeletal forms, emaciated by disease, tottering and wounded men, all
seeking places of safety. Many such fell into the hands of the Rebels, among
them were some of Co. F.
Early Monday
morning [June 30th], our division went to the rear to form part of
the line to cover the retreat. In the meantime, the Rebels had not been idle
for scarcely had we formed our line than they began to shell us, but Major
Hexamer with his indefatigable battery soon opened upon them with terrible
effect. The slaughter here was terrific. We had seen on Friday legs, arms, and
heads flying in the air like a volcano, but we had seen but a small part of the
human slaughter to what was here exhibited. The Rebels, with mad frenzy, pushed
on in column only to be mown down in windrows. The terrible roar of artillery
was only equaled by the destruction of Rebels by thousands.
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General George W. Taylor |
By the middle of the afternoon,
the fight became general all along the line and it became evident that our
position was a critical one. Officers met in council; they could be seen riding
in every direction, making preparation to extricate us from the threatened
danger, for the Rebels had gained possession of the only road by which we were
to make our escape to join the main body of the army. It had been decided upon
to cut our way out or leave our booty on the field. Just then, General [George
W.] Taylor rode in to our regiment and said, ‘Boys, I guess we will have another
chance to test our courage. I think we have them on the hip; let’s have three
cheers!’ Then came an order from General Slocum that General Porter had met and
repulsed the enemy on our right, upon which General Taylor made a speech to the
men. The old man was full of zeal and energy; he remarked that we had been out
and learned the woods and said it was no use for the brick-walled city generals
to fight those bush fighters, one must know the woods to fight in them.
About 4 o’clock, our position
was moved in the rear of the batteries, they had driven the Rebels from their
batteries. We were drawn up for a charge upon them and ordered to unsling our
knapsacks. Here came a request from General Phil Kearny that the Jersey boys should
come to his relief on the left where the Rebels were making a desperate move,
throwing their whole force on our left. The call had no sooner been made than
responded to. Off we marched at the double quick, leaving knapsacks and all
behind, this we lost all except what we had on our backs. Already darkness had
begun to shut down upon us. We entered the scene of strife in a road but were
soon ordered to fall in the woods. Here the balls came from every direction,
but we soon laid down and thus escaped harm. The conflict was kept up until
late in the night when the Rebels fell back. We laid down to rest awhile and
then we were up and off again. This ended that day. [Bacon is referring to
the Battle of White Oak Swamp]
Again on Tuesday [July 1st]
they attacked our rear, and here as on the day previous some very hard fighting
took place and the slaughter was terrific, but we had now reached the cover of
the gunboats and good execution they did. We were not in the rear this day
therefore we cannot give any particulars. This morning we got a good glance of
the river and each heart bounded with joy at the sight of the same. We reached Harrison’s
Landing on Wednesday [July 2nd] in a heavy drenching rain and encamped
in a wheat field of 50 acres which was a perfect bed of mire before night and
for 20 hours our rest was well moistened by mud and water. In the afternoon,
General McClellan rode around the camps and was greeted with much enthusiasm as
if we had been in Richmond. The confidence of his men is unbounded. General
Slocum also visited his men in their camps and gave them words of comfort. Just
as he passed through our camp, some of the men were dissecting a hog that had
been captured for supper and he remarked that we should take anything that
would add to our comfort. The General is a plain, unassuming man who carries
his worth in his brain more than in his dress.
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General Henry W. Slocum |
Thursday morning [July 3rd]
the Rebels began shelling our camps, but their shells fell short; some solid
shots reached our camps however, but they soon found they had chosen rather a
warm place for the gunboats sent them some compliments in the shape of 124
shells. In the afternoon, our tents were established, and our brigade moved out
to our position where we have been recruiting our strength and health by doing picket
duty every third day and working on the trenches eight out of 24 hours, but
still all are cheerful and lively having got pretty much through with our hard
The all-prevailing topic in camp
is what our friends are doing at home for us; are they responding to the call
of the government for help for us, or are they sitting and looking coolly on
while their brothers are beckoning them to come and help them? Shall it be said
that New Jersey who so nobly responded to the first and second call did prove
recreant at the critical moment? We that have already borne the burden and heat
of the day appeal to you to come and help us gather the harvest that we may all
return to our homes, and peace and prosperity once more reign throughout the land.
Our motto with us is as with you- this government shall be preserved.
Letters from Private Charles Hamilton Bacon, Co. F, 3rd
New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, West Jersey Pioneer (New Jersey), July
19, 1862, pg. 2 and August 2, 1862, pg. 2
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