Cleaning Out Bragg: Vignettes from the Tullahoma Campaign
The Tullahoma campaign,
which took place in middle Tennessee from late June through early July 1863,
has not received its just due in the pantheon of Civil War literature, in large
measure due to timing (during Gettysburg and the close of the Vicksburg
campaign) and the fact that the campaign was largely one of marching and
maneuver, not of hard-fought titanic-sized battles with lengthy casualty lists.
In many ways, Tullahoma could be considered as General William S. Rosecrans’
masterpiece: he successfully maneuvered General Braxton Bragg’s well entrenched
Army of Tennessee from its positions along the Duck River and eventually out of
Tennessee altogether, and at a small cost in lives. This goal of securing
Tennessee for the Union, and particularly the rich foraging area of middle
Tennessee, was an important step in bringing the war to the deep South.
To help give some sense of what the men of the Army of the
Cumberland experienced during the Tullahoma Campaign, I present below a series
of vignettes written by Ohio soldiers serving in various parts of the army.
Private William H.
Wade, Co. K, 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Third Brigade,
Second Division, 20th Army Corps
Tullahoma, Tennessee
July 14, 1863
We left
Murfreesboro on the 24th ultimo and physical incompetents were left
back. Our haversacks were to contain three days’ rations while ten were to be hauled
in the company wagons. We were not to carry any unnecessary clothing; we could
carry one shirt, one pair of drawers, one pair of socks, and our indispensable
pup tents. Their adoption with the army has made us more independent of our
wagon trains, and leaves room in our wagons for a far greater supply of
provisions. If from any cause our wagons fail to reach us after a day’s march,
with our shelter tents, coffee pots, and our haversacks, we can go into camp
and make ourselves quite comfortable, even if the weather should be rainy.
First Brigade of our division encountered the enemy at Liberty Gap about ten
miles from Murfreesboro and quite a brisk engagement ensued, which terminated
in driving the Rebels from their strong position. Our brigade, commanded by
Colonel Philemon P. Baldwin, was partially engaged, the 5th Kentucky
and 6th Indiana and our regiment acting as reserve. We drove the
enemy some five miles when darkness put a cessation to hostilities, only to be
renewed in the morning. It rained very hard all day and continued all night.
On Thursday the 25th there was
some firing along the line but no forward movement until 3 o’clock in the
afternoon when a general advance was ordered. The Rebs gradually fell back,
contesting every inch of ground, until we had possession of the Gap. It rained
all day. The brigade was ordered back, and we went into camp, pitched tents,
and set about preparing supper: coffee, “flitch” roasted on a stick, and
hardtack constituted our bill of fare. We all ready, we seated ourselves on the
ground and dove in as only hungry men do. We represented a part of pleasure on
a public excursion more than a company of soldiers fighting the battles of our
country. We turned in to our little tents, which the boys adamantly refused a
month or so before, and the less pious condemned without a board of survey. An
active campaign will bring out their good qualities and good judges predict for
them a high reputation in the future.
10 o’clock P.M. on Friday the 26th, our brigade was ordered out on
picket. We deployed three companies of skirmishers and advanced. The Rebs fired
three or four shots and fell back. We then occupied a very high hill
overlooking a beautiful valley. Just below us lay Fosterville, a small village,
and close by ran the Shelbyville railroad. Near the outskirts of town, drawn up
in line, was about 200 Rebel cavalry and about 40 yards in front of us was the
picket line, but we were not disposed to engage them. Quite an interesting
conversation was carried on between our boys and the Rebels at this point.
Rebel behind a large stone: “Dare you half
behind a tree: “Come out of it, I’ll meet you.”
“Come on over and get some whiskey, we ain’t mad at you at all.”
“Can’t on duty. What regiment you belong to?”
Reb: “4th
Tennessee Cavalry. What regiment you belong to?
Yank: “1st Ohio.”
Yank: “1st Ohio.”
“Where’s you all a-gwine to?”
“Clean out Bragg. Are you a conscript?”
the Major put the quiet to the dialogue. About 7 o’clock we were posted as
pickets and at 8 o’clock we received orders to withdraw and countermarch to the
Manchester Pike. We built large fires and decamped. We found the road in a
terrible condition; the heavy rains had swollen the creeks several feet, so
they ran over the road. The mud was fathomless, there was no picking out nice
places to step but we had to go it rough and tumble. We crossed 16 creeks or
one creek 16 times and trudged through mud knee deep and sometimes deeper. Down
from the hillsides came the smaller streams, roaring and tumbling to transfuse
into one of larger dimensions, all tributaries to the one we crossed so often.
About 2 o’clock in the morning, we went into camp. We were a jolly looking set,
some of the boys had fallen down and were all covered with mud, some had lost
their shoes and some their guns. We washed the mud off as best we could and
fell down to sleep. (Piqua Enquirer,
July 23, 1863, pg. 2)
“Pork and Beans,”
Battery H, 5th U.S. Light Artillery
Artillery of First
Division, 14th Army Corps
En route for Pelham, Tennessee
July 7, 1863
Corps came up on the enemy pickets on the 24th and drove them back
17 miles from Murfreesboro. On the morning of the 25th, the enemy
was found strongly posted on the mountains and our artillery was brought to
bear on them but with indifferent success, the distance being too great, and
the natural formation of the ground being such as to afford little advantage to
the attacking party. In fact, the enemy could have had it all their own way had
it not been for the determination and daring with which our infantry
skirmishers attacked them. The rebels could be plainly seen on the mountains in
force and made several dashes from the woods on our skirmishers, killing a few
and wounding several.
On the
26th, a detour was made by the corps to the right, dividing the
enemy from one mountain to another until they fell back on their artillery
about 1,200 yards in extent, the artillery being posted on a hill in a strong
position. Rousseau’s Division was here massed and formed in nine distinct lines
of battle, charged at the double quick across this level, and drove the enemy
before them. This was one of the grandest sights I ever witnessed. Each line
distinct and straight, it seemed more like a review than an actual battle. The
Regulars bravely acquitted themselves leading the charge amid the deadly
volleys of the Rebel battery. Seven or eight were killed in the brigade and
quite a number wounded. One piece of the enemy’s was captured (having been
disabled by our artillery) and the drivers fled with the horses. The rebels
fled in the utmost confusion to their mountain fastnesses, taking a route to
On the
28th we moved four miles towards Tullahoma, one of the rebel
Gibraltars, only to learn afterwards that the chivalry had evacuated and left
the place in possession of Brannan’s Division. They retreated in great haste,
leaving behind them their siege guns, disabled, and the roads literally strewn
with cornmeal which their cavalry had lightened themselves of, in the pell-mell
and confusion. Camp and garrison equipage, everything in fact, was left behind,
but don’t talk in the North of starvation in the Southern army. The subsistence
stores left behind do not tell of a famine.
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Colonel Cyrus Loomis, Chief of Artillery, 14th Corps |
On the 1st we again took up our line of match toward Winchester to the crossing of the Elk River, which we found much swollen and crossed it with difficulty. The infantry stripped and manfully breasted the surging tide, the water reaching in instances to their armpits, and the current very rapid. The artillery crossed safely. Touching on the Winchester Pike, we struck across towards the Pelham road and have been encamped at this point since the evening of the 4th. The army celebrated the Fourth by firing national salutes from the several corps. A speech is said to have been delivered in this division by Colonel Cyrus Loomis, but I had not the pleasure of hearing it. No doubt it was on the old stereotyped plan so much in vogue by the Fourth of July orators.
cannot depict the hardships this army has endured on the march through the
mountains. It rained almost incessantly since we left Murfreesboro, and the
roads have been fearfully bad. With much difficulty our supply trains have
moved along, and the artillery horses and transportation mules are badly used
up. The infantry has suffered the most, wading through deep and heavy mud, the
rain pouring down in torrents, their clothing wet through and heavy with rain
and mud. Besides carrying their blankets, equipment, 60 rounds of ammunition,
and three days rations of hard bread and coffee, which was nightly like a solid
pulp of dough. (Toledo Daily Commercial,
July 20, 1863, pg. 2)
Corporal Charles
P. Bail, Co. B, 41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Second Brigade,
Second Division, 21st Army Corps
Camp at Manchester, Tennessee
July 10, 1863
We were
ordered to move from Readyville on the 24th of June; we left there
on the morning of that day, the weather being very rainy and disagreeable, the
roads very slippery, muddy, stony, and extremely hilly. One the second day of
our march, we ascended one step or elevation of the Cumberland Mountains. Here
we were obliged to stay for two days so as to get our train up to this
elevation. Teams were doubled up, that is from seven to eight span of mules
were hitched to one wagon, and then a long rope was fastened to the end of the
neap, and from 30-40 men would take hold of the rope. Amid the yells of
teamsters, the shouts of the soldiers, and the splashing of the mud, the wagons
would move slowly up the hill and then hurrah for another. This process was
continued for two days and nights (for the work went on nights) and some 300
wagons were drawn up. This being done, we moved on through the muddiest most
miserable roads imagination could conceive of, for it rained every day nearly
all the while. We were obliged to send back details of men to help up the ambulances
and wagon train. Our progress was necessarily very slow.
It was
supposed that, although Bragg evacuated and fell back from Shelbyville,
Beechgrove, and Manchester, he would make a desperate stand at Tullahoma, so
the troops were pushed on as fast as possible. A part of the cavalry dashed in
rear of Tullahoma and cut the railroad, and then retreated back, all moving
forward to what was supposed to be Bragg’s stronghold. But Bragg had leaked
out, leaving his heaviest guns. Meantime, we splashed through the rain and mud
until we came to the Elk River which was so rapid and deep we could not ford
say that our cavalry has pushed on to Chattanooga and find that Bragg has
withdrawn most of his forces from there. It is supposed he has been ordered to
reinforce Richmond. His Kentucky and Tennessee troops abandoned him by
regiments and are giving themselves up to our troops. Today, a regiment of Tennesseans
came into this place and gave themselves up. They were dragging the secession
flag through the mud and swearing that they had been humbugged long enough. (Jeffersonian Democrat, July 24, 1863,
pg. 2)
Private Francis M.
McAdams, Co. E, 113th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Second Brigade,
First Division, Reserve Corps
Shelbyville, Bedford Co., Tennessee
July 4, 1863
Reserve Army Corps commanded by Major General Gordon Granger left the pleasant
town of Franklin on the morning of June 2nd and marched to Triune, a
distance of 14 miles where we continued to remain until the 23rd
ultimo when we were ordered to the front, and since then we have been fronting
through an almost incessant rain and bottomless mud. In the past fortnight it
has rained about 14 days, is raining now, and we have a fair prospect of a damp
our march from Triune to this place, our regiment tasted some of the solid
privations of soldiering, being compelled to march through the drenching rain
often till late at night, then to lay down and rest as best they could, in and
out of the mud, with nothing but a gum blanket for a bed and covering.
Notwithstanding they were unaccustomed to such privations, they stood the march
like old soldiers, laughing at their own discomforts, and though all else about
them was soaked with rain, they kept their spirits and patriotism undampened.
town of Shelbyville is pleasantly situated on the right or north bank of the
Duck River, and 25 miles south of Murfreesboro. In the days of peace, it must
have been a place of more than ordinary business and beauty, but this national
curse has stripped it of both. We find the people professing great loyalty to
the government, and I am of the opinion that their loyalty can be relied upon.
We are occupying the buildings of the town for quarters, and our brigade is
Provost Guard of the place. These buildings are commodious and well suited for
our comfort, but we prefer to bivouac in the verdant shady wood from the fact
that fleas are so numerous. Our boys have committed great slaughter among them
since we have occupied what appears to be their stronghold, and the probability
is that one or the other must soon succumb.
forces occupied this place on the 27th, driving the rear guards of
Bragg’s army from the place. In their hurried attempt to cross the narrow
bridge that spans the Duck River on the road leading to Tullahoma, many of them
were knocked off into the river and drowned. A body was taken from the river
today which had been in the water eight days. It had been washed over a dam
where the motion of the falling water kept it constantly in motion till every
vestige of clothing was stripped from it. The scene was shocking in the
extreme. A great number have been taken out at different times, but it is
though some will not be recovered at all. (Urbana
Citizen & Gazette, July 23, 1863, pg. 1)
“B.,” 36th
Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Third Brigade,
Fourth Division, 14th Army Corps
Camp near Elk River, Tennessee
July 6, 1863
On the
2nd, word came that Tullahoma was evacuated- Bragg gone, skedaddled,
and all we had to do was march in and possess this Rebel stronghold which we
accordingly went and did, reaching the town at 4 p.m. on July 2nd.
The rebels evidently left in a hurry as they left hundreds of wall tents
standing and neglected to burn a warehouse of commissary stores. Quite a large
amount of camp and garrison equipage, small arms, three 64-lb siege guns (one
spiked with a three-cornered file), ammunition, twelve sacks of corn meal,
about 200 bushels of beans, and smaller articles in larger proportions fell
into our hands. Tullahoma was well-fortified and could have withstood a good
siege, but as an Alabama citizen said, it was a man-trap and could have been
surrounded if Bragg had only waited long enough to enable us to do it. On the
approaches to town extensive earthworks had been thrown up, and all the trees
within a half to three-quarters of a mile had been cut down, the branches
pointing outwards, rendering it an almost impenetrable brush pile. Bearing on
all these points were placed heavy guns commanding every road and field.
On the northwest side of town, just on the
outer edge or suburbs, was a large bastion fort which was one of the most
complete forts I have yet seen. It was about 10 feet high and fully as thick at
the base and from 200-225 feet square and made to mount twelve 64-lb siege guns
bearing on every point of the compass. Underground storehouses and magazine
were built, proof against shot or shell, and a well capable of furnishing water
for a large garrison in the center. Encircling this fort is a ditch 12 feet wide,
about 10 feet deep, and nearly half filled with water; whether by design or
caused by the late heavy rains I am unable to say. To protect the entrance was
a large stockade built of upright saw logs and filled in with dirt. A
drawbridge was thrown across the ditch which was withdrawn at pleasure. It was
in this fort that the siege guns mentioned were found. The carriages had been
burned and at the time I was in the fort, the guns were so hot as to preclude
the possibility of holding hands on them more than half a minute.
Cornmeal was scattered along all the roads
leading out of Tullahoma and bread trampled into the ground. Meat had all been
burned, officers’ and medical chests left behind. Everything was confusion and
betoken a hasty and precipitate exit. No doubt General Bragg could have
maintained his position at Tullahoma for some time and at considerable
sacrifice of life on our side, but he would have finally to yield with possibly
the loss of his entire army.
The army remained in Tullahoma but one night,
leaving at 4 a.m. the next day in pursuit of the enemy. Generals Negley and
Sheridan have been treading on his heels ever since. But such roads! They are
enough to discourage any general. Not a single day has passed since this army
left Murfreesboro but what it has rained more or less. The mud is deep and the
streams high. Of course, the enemy is leaving no bridges behind them and this
also impedes our progress and tries the patience of officers and men. Yet with
all these distractions and obstacles, the army is in splendid condition and
fine spirits.
This part of Tennessee south of Manchester
is a low, flat, swampy country with but few evidences of cultivation. Large
ponds are to be found almost every mile, the water in them being clear and
cool. In the valley lying along either bank of the Elk River we find a much
better country and nearly all under cultivation. The finest springs of water I
ever saw are to be found along the banks of this river- freestone water, very
clear and very cold. The water boils up out of the ground in such quantities
that I have seen one single spring that would furnish water enough for this
large army. (Gallipolis Journal, July
30, 1863, pg. 1)
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