The Stones River Campaign

 Stones River Campaign:

The following posts are organized along the lines of the standard order of battle for both armies during the Stones River campaign. For the sake of simplicity, the Federal organization designations derived for the January 9, 1863, reorganization of the Army of the Cumberland are used. 

Army of the Cumberland

Civil War Center Podcast with Andrew Lucien: Battle of Stones River
Dept. No. 2 Podcasts Stones River Part 1: Spotify Link  YouTube Link
Dept. No. 2 Podcasts Stones River Part 2: Spotify Link YouTube Link
Dept No. 2 Podcasts Stones River Part 3: Spotify Link YouTube Link
Civil War Talk Presentation on Hell by the Acre: YouTube Link

Emerging Civil War Podcast

Home Brew History Podcast 

General Overview and Accounts:

Major General Alexander McDowell McCook, commanding 20th Army Corps

20th Army Corps (McCook)

Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis, commanding First Div., 20th A.C.

First Division (Davis), 20th Army Corps

First Brigade (Post), First Division (Davis), 20th Army Corps

Second Brigade (Carlin), First Division (Davis), 20th Army Corps

Charles Barney Dennis at Stones River (101st OVI): Part I, II, III, IV, and V

Third Brigade (Woodruff), First Division (Davis), 20th Army Corps

Brigadier General Richard W. Johnson, commanding Second Div., 20th A.C.

First Brigade (Willich), Second Division (Johnson), 20th Army Corps

Second Brigade (Kirk), Second Division (Johnson), 20th Army Corps

Third Brigade (Baldwin), Second Division (Johnson), 20th Army Corps

Brigadier General Phil Sheridan, commanding Third Div., 20th A.C. 

Third Division (Sheridan), 20th Army Corps

First Brigade (Sill), Third Division (Sheridan), 20th Army Corps

Second Brigade (Schaefer), Third Division (Sheridan), 20th Army Corps

Third Brigade (Roberts), Third Division (Sheridan), 20th Army Corps

Brigadier General Lovell H. Rousseau, commanding First Div., 14th A.C. 

First Brigade (Scribner), First Division (Rousseau), 14th Army Corps

Second Brigade (Beatty), First Division (Rousseau), 14th Army Corps

Third Brigade (Starkweather), First Division (Rousseau), 14th Army Corps

Fourth Brigade (Shepherd), First Division (Rousseau), 14th Army Corps

General James S. Negley, commanding Second Div., 14th A.C. 

Second Brigade (Stanley), Second Division (Negley), 14th Army Corps

Third Brigade (Miller), Second Division (Negley), 14th Army Corps

First Brigade (Walker), Third Division, 14th Army Corps

McCook's Provisional Brigade, 14th Army Corps

Brigadier General Thomas J. Wood, commanding First Div., 21st A.C.

First Brigade (Hascall), First Division (Wood), 21st Army Corps

Second Brigade (Wagner), First Division (Wood), 21st Army Corps

Third Brigade (Harker), First Division (Wood), 21st Army Corps

Diary Discoveries Podcast: Castle Thunder Prison Survivor: A Civil War Story featuring story of Gillis McBane, 73rd Indiana, captured at Stones River

Brigadier General John M. Palmer, commanding Second Div., 21st A.C.

First Brigade (Cruft), Second Division (Palmer), 21st Army Corps

Second Brigade (Hazen), Second Division (Palmer), 21st Army Corps

Third Brigade (Grose), Second Division (Palmer), 21st Army Corps

Brigadier General Horatio P. Van Cleve, commanding Third Div., 21st A.C. 

First Brigade (Beatty), Third Division (Van Cleve), 21st Army Corps

Second Brigade (Fyffe), Third Division (Van Cleve), 21st Army Corps

Third Brigade (Price), Third Division (Van Cleve), 21st Army Corps

Major General David S. Stanley, commanding Cavalry Corps

First Brigade (Minty), Cavalry Division

Second Brigade (Zahm), Cavalry Division

Reserve Cavalry

The Triune Slobberknocker (15th Pennsylvania Cavalry)

Pioneer Brigade (Morton)

General Braxton Bragg

Army of Tennessee 

General Overview and Accounts:

Hardee flag of 2nd Arkansas Infantry of Polk's Brigade, Cleburne's Division. The flag was captured by the 38th Illinois at Liberty Gap, Tennessee in June 1863 and recently emerged from a vault. 

Donelson's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Polk's Corps

Smith's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Polk's Corps

Stewart's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Polk's Corps

Deas/Loomis' Brigade, Withers' Division, Polk's Corps

                            Chalmers Brigade, Withers' Division, Polk's Corps

Lieutenant General William J. Hardee

Breckinridge's Division, Hardee's Corps

Adams' Brigade, Breckinridge's Division, Hardee's Corps

Palmer's/Pillow's Brigade, Breckinridge's Division, Hardee's Corps

Preston's Brigade, Breckinridge's Division, Hardee's Corps

Hanson's Brigade, Breckinridge's Division, Hardee's Corps

Wood's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, Hardee's Corps

Ector's Brigade, McCown's Division, Hardee's Corps

Wheeler's Cavalry Brigade

Wharton's Brigade, Wheeler's Cavalry Division


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