Brigham's War: Letters from the 27th Ohio Infantry Pt. III
In July 1861, a company was raised by Captain Milton Wells in southeastern Ohio and went to Camp Chase at Columbus to join a new regiment. The company called itself the Monroe and Noble Rangers, named for the two counties from which the men enlisted, and became Co. D of the 27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In its ranks, an unknown soldier who went by the pen name 'Brigham' wrote a series of letters to the Woodsfield Spirit of Democracy giving a detailed account of life in the first year of the Civil War, the last of which was published in February 1863. Billed as “A Soldier's Jottings,” Brigham's letters come to us as rather chatty descriptions of life in Uncle Sam's service in the western theater in the early years of the war. This blog post includes some of the highlights of this correspondence.
The 27th Ohio Infantry served in the western theater, initially going to Missouri and taking part in several successful operations along the Mississippi River. In April 1862, it sailed up the Tennessee River to join General Henry W. Halleck's army at Pittsburg Landing where it took part in the siege of Corinth. Following the Rebel abandonment of Corinth, the 27th Ohio remained in the area until late in the year and during that time took part in both the battles of Iuka and Corinth. On the last day of December 1862, the 27th Ohio clashed with Nathan Bedford Forrest's troopers at Parker's Crossroads, Tennessee which closes out “Brigham's War.”
Part 3 of this series focuses on the series of campaign fought in and around Corinth, Mississippi from May 1862 through the end of the year, including the battles of Iuka, Corinth, and Parker's Crossroads.
of Corinth, Mississippi
Reid: “The army being ordered to Pittsburg Landing, the 27th
Ohio arrived at Hamburg (near Pittsburg Landing) about the 1st
of May 1862 and moved on Corinth, forming the left of Halleck's army.
During the advance, the regiment was frequently engaged in
skirmishing and during the siege was repeatedly under fire, and in
every instance behaved well.”
Mississippi, May 13, 1862
we landed here on the 22nd
of April we have seen some nice little scouting and fighting. Of
course we have not had any battle or what would be called one here;
but many a fight, in which fewer balls flew, has been dignified by
that appellation. On the 29th
ult., we made the first forward movement, and although the rain came
down in torrents most of the time, and the roads were most wretched,
we had a nice time. The day before, the Secesh had made a
demonstration on us and we had to get out to drive them back and no
we were out to see if they were anywhere close in force. Away we
went, four or five thousand strong, and saw nothing hostile, until we
got close to the little town of Monterey which is about six miles
from Corinth. Here our advanced guard fired a few shots and halting,
skirmishers were ordered out and proceeding cautiously, we found the
Rebels had skedaddled, leaving all their camp equipage, which we
burnt. Four or five thousand had been quartered here and when we
advanced they fell back behind a small battery, to which we advanced
until we drew several shots from them. Our artillery was far behind,
stuck in the mud, and as our orders took us no farther, we returned
having captured 15 prisoners. Camp was reached again about 4 o’clock,
all satisfied with our first trip after Rebels in Mississippi.”
8th, Generals
Stanley and Paine made a reconnaissance in force toward Corinth. We
advanced to within a half a mile of their fortifications, but made no
demonstration against them. A deep creek would not permit the passage
of artillery, even if that had been out intention. A few guns in a
piece of timber opened on us and held us in check. Our skirmishers
and sharpshooters slipped up close to them and kept the Rebels busy
at the not very profitable business to them of firing heavy shot and
shell at a line of skirmishers, one in a thousand of which perhaps
might do injury. We dark came we retired and fell back to our camp
where we arrived about 11 o’clock. We had none killed or seriously
wounded, but the 27th
suffered a serious loss in Surgeon Thrall who was taken prisoner. He
understood his profession and at such a time as this his services
were indispensable, and his place can hardly be filled by any other
man in the army.”
in Mississippi
eight miles south of Corinth, Mississippi, July 15, 1862
“We are
pleasantly situated down here in a fine wood, abounding with any live
animal you can name, from a sneaking invisible chigger to a live and
flouncing alligator. Indeed the number of tormenting creatures that
live here are unnameable and innumerable. The little insect above
referred to is the most agonizing of them all. It can’t be seen by
the naked eye, but in great numbers it infests the body, and
inserting itself beneath the skin, causes a red spot to appear with
intolerable itching, which after scratching produces a sore which
will not heal for weeks. Men are covered with hundreds of these
blotches which are indeed annoying in the extreme. Besides this
torment wood ticks abound, and lizards, scorpions, snakes, vipers,
are ever present. How men, women, and children can stand it to live
here always I can’t imagine.”
health of the company is very good considering the climate and very
few of the men are unfit for active duty. Only one thing seems to be
necessary to make folks happy generally, barring the insects referred
to, and that is a new suit of uniform. Why on earth we don’t get it
now is more than can be seen. We are idle and stationary, and
somebody must be to blame for the neglect. Months ago, away up in
Missouri near Sedalia, we got clothes and since then nothing like a
complete outfit has ever deigned to visit us. What few clothes the
men have are too heavy for summer, and most of them have thrown away
their jackets in disgust and go without any at all. Among the last
but not the least change which has lately transpired with us is a
change of arms and accouterments. Until this we had the Greenfield
Rifle Musket [Greenwood] and old accouterments used by the three
months’ troops. The arms we now have are a splendid article and the
boys are greatly pleased with them. It is the Whitney Rifle with a
sword bayonet complete, and having globe sights, shoots as true as a
gun well can. The greatest trouble now is in keeping the boys from
shooting all the time, for they can hit a squirrel in the tops of the
highest trees.”
of Iuka, Mississippi
19, 1862
Camp of
the 27th
Regiment Ohio Infantry, Jacinto, Mississippi, September 28, 1862
the morning of the 13th
inst., General Sterling Price, our friend of Missouri memory,
appeared before Iuka, a station on the Memphis & Charleston R.R.
25 miles from Corinth and, it being held by one brigade of our troops
under Colonel Murphy of Wisconsin, the town was evacuated at short
notice and he took peaceable possession of all left behind by our men
which, I am sorry to say, amounted to considerable. Murphy failed to
destroy anything in his undue haste to escape. One hundred thousand
rations and a large amount of arms and ammunition fell into the
enemy's hands by this unwise movement. Colonel Murphy is under arrest
and it is hoped he will be made to answer for his conduct. General
Price occupied the place with his army and our generals began to put
things in motion to counteract the bold Rebel's movements and, if
possible, defeat his plans and his army at the same time.”
Rosecrans, in command of the Army of the Mississippi, and Major
General Ord combined on the 10th
and started from Corinth, leaving all baggage behind, and moved
toward Iuka. General Ord followed the railroad to Burnsville, a small
town seven miles from the enemy's lines and came to a halt. Here he
formed his command in line of battle and rested on their arms.
Rosecrans proceeded to Jacinto on Friday the 18th
and bivouacked for the night, distant from Iuka 20 miles. By daylight
Saturday morning, we (as the Ohio brigade is with Rosecrans) were
under way and things went on as usual for about seven miles when the
advance came up with a body of Secesh cavalry and routed them after a
short skirmish, The Rebels throwing away their arms and accouterments
in their haste to escape. After this, almost constant skirmishing was
kept up till within about six miles of Iuka where the close proximity
of a large force became evident, and dispositions for attack were
accordingly made. The train was ordered to halt and remain, and only
the ammunition wagons and ambulances were to proceed further. General
Hamilton's division took the lead, closely followed and supported by
General Stanley's, the only two divisions with Rosecrans and the only
two engaged.”
enemy's skirmishers were forced back in splendid style, and at 5
o'clock the battle opened in earnest. The roar of arms was now
continuous and the two contending forces wavered back and forth, and
the most deadly charges were made and received by both sides without
flinching. Our troops fought gloriously, the Rebels doing full as
well, and short was the space either gained on the other. For 2 ½
hours, the battle raged and only ceased when darkness compelled it.
The Rebels fell back out of range and our men occupied the field, now
covered with dead and dying from both sides. When the morning dawned,
our men were up and eager for the fray, and advancing in line, the
Ohio being thrown out as skirmishers, the battlefield was passed and
on toward town the lines moved forward, the artillery throwing shot
and shell all the time.”
mile or more and no foe could be found. Ha! The enemy has fled!
25,000 men running from 8,000! Wonderful but true. During the night,
Price had collected his scattered legions and quietly retreated,
leaving all his killed and most of his wounded where they fell. Our
men took possession of the town, the Rebels having held it just six
days, a rather short “forever,” as they having boastingly posted
handbills to that effect at different places in town.”
battle, though a short one, was very severe as the losses will
testify. The men fought hand to hand, and after dark the combat was
so close that one would ask the other where he belonged before
firing, and many instances are told of personal prowess during this
part of the engagement. The 11th
Missouri Federal regiment engaged the Rebel regiment of the same
number and for an hour they fought only as Missouri troops can fight,
and at last, the Rebels gave way leaving more than two-thirds of
their men on the field. This regiment was Price's celebrated fighting
regiment and the loss of it will be a serious matter to him. While
the fight was at its height, the Rebels became impressed with the
idea that part of their regiment was fighting against the remainder,
and their cries to cease firing on them, that they were friends, were
heart-rending in the extreme. But our men, who comprehended matters,
continued to pour the most deadly volleys in among them being able to
advance close to them by answering that they belonged to the 11th
Ohio Battery was captured three times by the Rebels and as many times
re-captured by our men. It was posted on the right on a small
elevation and was supported by the 5th
Iowa and 4th
Minnesota regiments. It had hardly began to play on the enemy over in
the field when three regiments arose as from the ground and yelling
like savages, advanced on a charge. They were so close that but few
shots could be fired on them before they were among the guns and
fighting hand to hand with the support and the cannoneers. Such a
contest could not last long and our men were beat back and the
battery was in the hands of the foe. Their possession was of short
duration. Our men being reinforced, the guns were retaken and from
this until the close of the battle, a continual contest raged for
ownership of the pieces which was finally decided in our favor. No
less than seven distinct charges were made at this point by the enemy
and sustained by our troops.”
loss of life was fearful. The 5th
Iowa had 250 killed and wounded and the battery lost 60 men out of
140. All their horses were killed but 20. The ground was left covered
with killed and wounded by the enemy, and it is supposed that full
one-half of the three regiments that attacked will never fight again.
Our men spiked three guns, the first time they fell into the Rebels'
hands, but they can be unspiked with very little damage to the guns.
The 5th
Iowa and 4th
Minnesota suffered the most of any of our regiments, although the
Missouri, 26th
Missouri, and 16th
Iowa show heavy lists of killed and wounded, and some other regiment
lost a few men. The 5th
Iowa and 11th
Ohio Battery are the heroes of the fight.”
Rebels had choice of the ground to fight upon and their selection
showed that they improved it. The battlefield is 1-1/2 miles south of
Iuka on the road leading to Jacinto. An old neglected field grown up
with bushes about ten or fifteen feet high covered their front while
their flanks were protected by heavy timber among which runs deep
ravines, well adapted to hide troops from view until an advance was
right on them where they could burst forth in one of those headlong
charges the Rebels are becoming so noted for. This is how the 11th
Ohio Battery became beat so soon after opening. The enemy was hid in
one of these ravines until the proper time when they rushed forth as
from the ground. Our men had a swamp to cross and a hill to ascend in
making the attack, and only on the road could any movement forward be
made with any rapidity for the whole country was one vast thicket of
little trees from the size of peach trees to that of a hundred feet
in height. These alone were a great impediment to artillery movements
and the gullies and ravines occupy every few yards, almost totally
rendered this important arm of the service useless. After the 11th
Ohio Battery was silenced, our guns could only get in a shot
occasionally, and the Rebel artillery did even less work. Muskets
were the sole reliance of both sides.”
loss on both sides is very heavy, the Rebels' loss exceeding ours
considerably. We had less than 100 killed on the battlefield, and our
men buried 261 Rebels. Upwards of 200 of their wounded have died in
our hospitals since the fight, making their loss in killed up to 500.
But few of our men have died of their wounds, round balls and
buckshot not being as fatal as Minie balls. We have full 500 wounded
remaining in the hospitals and the Rebels have about the same number.
We lost 91 men taken prisoner and our Generals have already paroled
1,200 of the enemy, and are not yet through, as they are coming and
being brought in by squads of ten to twenty all of the time. We had
two Colonels wounded: the colonel of the 26th
Missouri and the colonel of the 16th
Iowa. The Rebels lost General Little killed and the loss of other
officers on their side was very heavy, but no means are at hand to
ascertain how many were killed. To recapitulate, we had 100 killed
and 500 wounded; the Rebels have 500 killed or have since died and
500 wounded. We lost 91 prisoners and they 1,200. We enjoy the glory
of a victory, they suffering the demoralization of a defeat.”
pursuit did not amount to much from some cause, and Price is now
somewhere south of here, some say 15 and some 20 miles distant and my
opinion is that nobody knows. We are ready to move at a moment's
notice and the pursuit may be resumed at any time. Your readers may
wish to know what General Ord did after he drew his men up in line of
battle near Burnsville but seven miles from the enemy. That question
I have heard asked 101 times since the battle and no one seems wise
enough to answer it. I will venture to say on my own responsibility
that he is not drawn up then in line of battle yet, but all that he
has done, as far as heard from, has been to march back to Corinth. If
he has attacked the enemy's right or rear, either of which no one
acquainted with the country will deny was practicable, Price's army
today would be among the things that were.”
D under the charge of Captain Brock, who is a general favorite with
the boys, is enjoying splendid health and is anxious for a knock with
the enemy. Our brigade was held in reserve during the late fight and
was not permitted to take an active part in any way more than
yelling, which they had done up with such a vengeance that prisoners
have told me that they thought we were being reinforced all the
For more on the Battle of Iuka, please read my post entitled "Music of the Spheres: The 11th Ohio Battery at the Battle of Iuka," click here.
For more on the Battle of Iuka, please read my post entitled "Music of the Spheres: The 11th Ohio Battery at the Battle of Iuka," click here.
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Dead Confederates strewn upon the ground in front of Battery Robinette at Corinth in October 1862 |
Battle of Corinth, Mississippi
3-4, 1862
Mississippi, October 13, 1862
the 29th
ult., we marched from Jacinto to Rienzi and on the 30th
in the afternoon started on a reconnaissance toward Ripley. We
marched until night came on when we halted ten miles from camp and
laid on our arms until 10 o'clock at night. We then returned without
meeting anything suspicious except four or five Rebels who were on a
visit from Price's army to their friends who we kindly took in charge
and reported to headquarters. About 12 o'clock our camp was reached
and tired and hungry we turned into our blankets and having snoozed
away some two hours, an orderly came along and rudely aroused us with
the order to cook two days' rations and be ready to move immediately.
Perhaps some words were uttered which would shock ears polite if we
dared record them, but all such wouldn't change the stern order and
up at the preparations aforesaid was all we could do.”
for Ripley, hurrah for Corinth, and a dozen other places was sung out
along the line as we rounded our way in long and glistening streams
toward the west. Some knew where we were going and some did not, but
we guess few had any correct ideas of our real destination. The march
was a weary one and after many windings and changings of directions,
the small town of Kossuth, 9 miles from Corinth, hove in sight, and
entering the dilapidated place, arms were stacked and a short rest
proclaimed the order of the hour. Water was wanted by all, and water
there was not nearer than three miles which made things look rather
discouraging to all but old soldiers who are used to such situations.
Carts, wagons, and barrels were brought into requisition and away
they rattled to the creek and soon all smiled with replenished
canteens and haversacks, for we found the 21st
Missouri stationed here and they entertained us to the best they had.
May the abundant blessings of abundant rations ever go with them!”
hour's rest terminated our stay in Kossuth and taking up our line of
march, we preceded on the road towards Corinth four miles which
brought us to the Tuscumbia River and of course plenty of water. Here
we camped for the night, having marched 16 miles over a country
nearly destitute of water since morning and 36 miles without rest.
Way-worn and weary, we sank to the ground with the broad blue sky for
a covering and slept a “sleep which knew no waking” until the sun
shone full in our faces the next morning. October 2nd
was spent in camp and in confiscating pigs, chickens, and sweet
potatoes to our heart's content, and the sorrow of the various old
Secesh covies who winced under our “contributions” but who dare
not mutter for fear of the guard house or something worse.”
morning of October 3rd
found us on the road and headed toward Corinth distance five miles.
As we marched, now and then, the boom of distant cannon could be
heard and we knew that work was ahead and we pursued on eager to have
a hand in the fray if not more. The old line of fortifications was
behind us by 8 o'clock and going some distance further a halt was
sounded and we rested in the shade of some venerable trees drawn up
in column of divisions. The boom of cannon, ever and anon, still
sounded from the north and we knew by the frequent arrival of
orderlies and other well-known signs that fight was ahead and we were
doomed to take an active part in it. Again and again the cannon spoke
afar; had then there was a long silence unbroken save by the clatter
of horses' hooves as messages came and went to and from our
commanders in the hands of all-important looking and acting aides.”
the cannon boomed the bugle sounded 'fall in' as the boys call the
'assembly' and we 'fell in' accordingly and formed line of battle on
the extreme left of our line behind the abatis of fallen trees with
which Corinth is surrounded. The fighting was now on our right and
now getting pretty close as we could hear the sharp rattle of
musketry when, for a moment, the cannon ceased to roar. Our position
was changed again and again toward the night, but the fighting ceased
for the night without us coming close enough to the enemy to take an
active part in it. The Rebels fell back out of range and our men did
not follow.”
was now certain that Price, Van Dorn, Villepigue, and Company had
formed a junction and intended to capture the place the next day if
possible and we had to make preparations accordingly. What other
commands did, I cannot say and can only speak of our brigade
knowingly. We were marched from the extreme left to the right about
sundown and drawn up in line of battle to the right of town facing to
the north. Here we were suffered to remain until about 10 o'clock at
night, when we were moved to the center behind the abatis, supporting
a redoubt of our pieces and a field battery, our position being
covered by a large fort of heavy guns in our rear on a small hill south of the Memphis & Charleston R.R. We were ordered to lay
down and keep close, which we did, and soon were asleep on the ground
which ere another day's sun should cast long shadows over it in
settling was doomed to drenched with blood. No alarm was raised
during the night, and the solemn silence reigning around was a
contrast with the din and turmoil of raging battle witnessed a few
short hours afterward.”
had not yet streaked the east with coming light when a sudden volley
from the pickets around us, the echo of which had hardly died away,
when whining through the air like all the demons of the lower
regions, a shell from the enemy's guns flew over our heads and burst
in the air close to the depot. Another and another followed in quick
succession, two of which penetrated the Tishomingo House, which now
was occupied as a hospital, bursting and killing a wounded soldier.
Our guns soon opened at close range and the roar of cannon welcomed
in the day- a day made glorious by one of the most magnificent and
complete victories achieved by our arms during this war.”
opened things to view and the Rebel battery was soon silenced when
fair range could be had of it, and the butternuts ran and left one
piece and two or three caissons in position, the horses all being
killed from them. All was silent now for two hours or more and the
rumor was circulated that the enemy was retreating but such was not
the case. They were silently massing troops for the desperate assault.
The skirmishers were soon driven in and the heavy line of advancing
foes became visible emerging from the woods and crowding forward at
quick time as if they would annihilate all before them. The huge
cannon from three forts opened on them and the sharper crack of a
dozen field batteries added to the din, and all was soon wrapped in
smoke and cannon tumults were hushed into silence by the wild
deafening uproar. Shells for a while hissed through the air and burst
among the Rebels, scattering death wholesale around but they,
regardless of the iron hail, came on until the distance between them
and the guns was not more than 200 yards. Grape and canister now was
poured forth with a lavish hand, added to which 10,000 muskets dealt
out their leaden entrails continually. On and on they came up, and
over the fallen trees and our line on the right gave back, back until
the foes again trod the streets of Corinth. The times were desperate
and something had to be done or the day and our all was lost. Leaping
forward, General Rosecrans threw himself among his flying legions
and, as if by magic, his presence and unequalled bravery restored
order out of chaos and shouting, wild and long, they again faced the
fore and dealt him blows thick and fast and in turn the enemy was
forced back, and all that he had gained was lost.”
center now was assailed with unexampled fury and, as on the right,
grape and canister would not check them and they were soon within 50
feet of the ditch around the fort. The Ohio Brigade was posted here
and well they held their ground, not giving an inch, but standing
manfully to their work dealing death to the Rebels with a lavish
hand. Still the enemy advanced and General Stanley seeing the great
danger, ordered the 27th
Ohio and 11th
Missouri forward on a charge. The sight was glorious. These two
veteran regiments had not far to go to meet the foe. Together back
and forth they swayed, but only for a few moments. Flesh and blood
could not standing such charging and the enemy was routed, and ran
pell mell never again to return. By noon they were in full retreat
and the day was ours-gloriously ours. The loss was heavy on both
sides and the number can only now be guessed at. They left not less
than 2,000 dead and wounded on the field. Company D suffered two
killed, two wounded, and one missing. Captain Brock, commanding the
company, displayed great coolness and courage, and the boys are
enthusiastic in his praise. Lieutenant George W. Young was hit by the
pieces of an exploded shell and got several bruises, the principal of
which was on the left hand, injuring a finger so that amputation was
necessary. His company lost 19 men- one officer killed and the other
two wounded, full half its number being disabled.”
have been in pursuit and after just one week of hard marching, we
have returned to Corinth worn out and have settled down, perhaps for
a short rest, which we greatly need. 1,500 miles we have marched on
foot since we came into the service, many of which was after Price
and never until now did we have fair chance to thresh him, and the
chance was improved and Price is so threshed that he will remain so
for some time to come.”
For more on the Battle of Corinth, check out my blog post entitled "Our Kirby: Colonel Joseph L. Kirby Smith and the 43rd Ohio at the Battle of Corinth" or my interview with Brad Quinlin that includes another battle account of Corinth written by Surgeon Pierre Starr of the 39th Ohio Infantry.
For more on the Battle of Corinth, check out my blog post entitled "Our Kirby: Colonel Joseph L. Kirby Smith and the 43rd Ohio at the Battle of Corinth" or my interview with Brad Quinlin that includes another battle account of Corinth written by Surgeon Pierre Starr of the 39th Ohio Infantry.
of Parker's Crossroads, Tennessee
31, 1862
Mississippi, January 18, 1863
were camped near Oxford, Mississippi on December 18th,
dreaming of winter quarters or something akin and little thinking of
making a sudden rush to any one point we knew of, and with very
diminutive inclinations to visit any locality except perhaps old
Monroe. The days came and went regularly, as did the roll calls,
drill calls, meal calls, etc., and we fancied we were doing the
soldier business according to West Point, which we were, and would
have been doing yet, if our friends, the Rebels, had not been such
big fools and acted as they did: they went a-raiding. Somewhere
between Columbus and Jackson, they came down on our bridge guards
like the day of judgment- rather unexpectedly, capturing guards,
bridge, and all, paroling one and burning the other. General Sullivan
at Jackson, like an old woman, got into an awful fight, sending to
Grant for reinforcements, saying Bragg was advancing on him with he
did not know how many men. This application caused our General to
awake us from our pleasant dreams and start us by railroad to the
rear at breakneck speed. Our brigade was all that was ordered back at
this time, knowing that Grant put very little confidence in the story
of Bragg.”
the way from Oxford to Jackson, Tennessee, dame rumor had been at
work and if we had not been old soldiers, we might have been
surprised when we arrived at the latter town to find it in possession
of our forces, which we were not I assure you, for we were aware that
the Rebels were after booty, nearly as much as bridges, neither of
which would have rewarded them for capturing Jackson. We found,
however, a batch of 'little the worst skeered' soldiers out, for we
must say in justice, three weeks or at most three months would cover
their time in the field and nothing better could be expected of them.
The evening of our arrival we made a few observations, which
satisfied us that no force amounting to anything was vicinity, and
marching four miles out of town, we bivouacked for the night,
sleeping as soundly and sweetly as if we were at home, a hundred
miles from the clash of arms.”
found us in line and soon after the troops began moving toward
Lexington, a town on the Memphis & Louisville R.R. Our brigade
was now broken, two regiments (the 43rd
and 63rd)
having not arrived, but the 27th
Ohio and 39th
Ohio were present and about 8 o'clock we took up our line of march.
The advance was very tedious owing to excessive caution, and all day
was spent in going 18 miles and, of course, catching no guerillas, as
they were on horseback and we were on foot. When nighttime came, we
again bivouacked and rested undisturbed until morning. During the
night or sometime else, our commander, whoever he was, concluded to
return and in the middle of the afternoon we wound around through
Jackson to an open field south of town, where we camped, a very easy
operation as we had not a tent in the regiment.”
passed various ways, among which was the time for Christmas and on
the 26th
orders came to be ready to move at a minute's notice. We were then
ready as we ever could be, as our tents did not amount to much, as
likewise our rations, meet and beef being the sum total of our
commissary stores. The minute notice came next morning and we marched
down to the depot. The rain began to fall heavily and persisted in
coming down unmercifully nearly all day, while the wind blew raw and
chilly enough. The hours passed slowly away and noon came and went,
but still we moved not. Thus in the most unpleasant condition
imaginable, we passed the day or nearly so as it was dark when we
arrived at Ironton, only 28 miles distant. Here we left the cars and
bivouacked for the night, fully aware that another chase was planned.
The troops consisted of two brigades, one under the command of
Colonel John Fuller and the other by Colonel Dunham, all conducted by
General Sullivan in person.”
days' march brought us to Washington, a Union town, where we remained
until the 30th
and were feted by the inhabitants, a rare thing indeed, so rare that
the like never occurred to us before. Dunham moved out ten miles and
on the 31st
at Parker's Crossroads, intercepted the Rebels, 7,000 strong under
Forrest. The Rebels opened the ball with their artillery and for
three hours the fight raged with the utmost fury. Inch by inch our
men were drawn back and chances for victory were running slim when
the Ohio Brigade came in sight, and it came in the nick of time, for
negotiations were going on for the surrender of our defeated men, The
Rebels thought the fight ended and were huddling around Dunham's men,
eager to see their prize, totally off guard, when we came up over a
hill in their rear in full view. They seemed thunderstruck and unable
to do anything towards defending themselves against our unexpected
assault. On and on we came, our bayonets gleaming in the sun, like
the sword of the death angel, and in vain the enemy endeavored to
form his disorganized lines. Nothing could withstand the leaden hail
rained upon them, and escape was all they seemed capable of
performing. Hither and thither they ran like men distracted, until
finally an officer rallied a few of them, and made a show to use
their artillery against us. The General saw their intention in a
moment, and he ordered out company forward to prevent them from
executing the design. Captain Brock did forward his Monroe boys in
fine style, routing the butternuts at the double quick, and capturing
two guns and caissons. This unexpected manner upset their
calculations completely and they took to flight along the whole
line, leaving their horses and everything else which, in any way,
impeded their retreat. In fifteen minutes after our arrival, we had
possession of the field to the great delight of our Dunham friends,
who had concluded, so the Rebels say, to take the parole which,
however, is doubted among themselves.”
captured 400 prisoners, 500 horses, six pieces of artillery with
caissons, a good sized train, and any quantity of small arms
consisting of rifles, muskets, shot guns, carbines, pistols, swords,
and sabers. A large quantity of stolen goods of every conceivable
kind also fell in our hands including hats, caps, pants, coats,
shirts, shoes, boots, clothes, calicoes, muslins, tinware, hardware,
glassware, and queensware, all were scattered everywhere as thrown
aside by the Rebels in their hasty departure. The loss on our side
was comparatively light, not being a hundred killed and wounded,
mostly in Dunham's brigade. The Rebels confess 1,000 killed, wounded,
and missing, probably much more. The Ohio Brigade did not suffer any
of the consequence owing to the confusion of the enemy. The 27th
Ohio had two men wounded, one seriously. The 122nd
Illinois of Dunham's command lost more than all the rest of the
regiments together. It seems they got into close quarters and before
they could extricate themselves, the Rebels punished them severely.”
pursuit was kept up to the Tennessee River, when it was discovered
that the Rebels had made their escape across at Clifton by the means
of a couple of old flatboats, which they had moved there for the
purpose. We had no way of getting over, even if we had been inclined
to continue the chase and the pursuit here ended. When we came down
on the bank, they opened on us from the other side with cannon and
small arms, the river being narrow. The cannon did no harm other
thank knocking the wheels off our ammunition wagin and a detail of
sharpshooters from the 27th
Ohio soon 'dried up their small arms' if not a few of the butternuts
holding them. They came over with a flag of truce and attempted to
exchange some prisoners with Colonel Fuller but could not come to
terms. Fuller promised them a reply in the morning, but before
morning we were far on our way toward this place, and doubtless the
Rebels were away full as fast as we. So ended the Rebel raid in which
Forrest said he did everything he wanted to do and more, too: he
fought the Ohio Brigade!”
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