Vicksburg is Still in Command of the Rebels: The U.S. Navy Takes a Crack at Vicksburg
To some, it appeared by early July 1862 that the war in the west was all but won. Federal forces had defeated Albert Sidney Johnston's army at Shiloh and a massive Union army now occupied portions of northern Mississippi, Alabama, and much of Tennessee. General Don Carlos Buell's army slowly marched towards Chattanooga while Grant's army lay poised to penetrate into Mississippi.
One of the major Union war objectives remained opening the Mississippi River to navigation. Much progress had been made since April when General Benjamin Butler's army, following the naval battle at Forts Jackson and St. Philip, occupied New Orleans and continued north, occupying Baton Rouge. Operating from Cairo, Illinois, Federal naval forces had won engagement after engagement and had seized control of the river as far south as Memphis. Vicksburg became the focal point for the Union navy which pushed towards the river bastion from both upstream and downstream. By late June, Federal gunboats arrived near town and began to pick at the Vicksburg defenses looking for a weak point.
Among those brown water sailors at Vicksburg was Fireman Freeman A. Hurd of the gunboat U.S.S. Kennebec. A 691-ton Unadilla-class gunboat, the Kennebec mounted five heavy guns and possessed a top speed of 10 knots. The vessel had been commissioned in February 1862 and had already seen action at Forts Jackson and St. Philip prior to arriving at Vicksburg on June 24, 1862. A native of Massachusetts, Fireman Hurd wrote the following letter home to the editors of the Southbridge Journal describing these initial operations against Vicksburg. The letter appeared in their August 8, 1862 edition.
At anchor two miles below Vicksburg, Mississippi
July 4, 1862
We have been
to New Orleans since I wrote you last and have had our boiler patched and the engine
repaired and it is in very good trim now. All is quiet down the river except at
Grand Bluff town, which town was leveled by us. The reason for so doing was
that none of our vessels could pass without being fired upon by the citizens
and from a few of General Mansfield Lovell’s men from the bluff over the town.
Some of our men have suffered by their shots and now the town lays in ruins,
not a stick left standing.
We got up here
on the night of the 24th of June. On the 25th, we went up
to reconnoiter before Vicksburg a little on which occasion the Rebels took an
opportunity to fire a number of shots and shells at us but did us no damage of
any account. The mortar boats are up here and 25 steamers, 18 of which are war
vessels. They took a position on each side of the river and threw a few shells
towards the batteries on the bluff just to get their hand in again, I suppose.
The 26th and 27th of June were spent in getting the men-of-war
ready for a general engagement with the Rebels.
On the morning
of the 28th, we were aroused at 2 a.m., the ships were got into
line, the mortars had begun their music, and at 3:45 a.m. we were advancing as
at Fort Jackson to engage the batteries. We were ordered to stay in the rear of
the sloop-of-war Brooklyn and to act accordingly. At 4 a.m. we were abreast
of the town and blazing away at each other finely. The masked batteries were
exposed to view and the way shot and shell poured into them was a sight to see.
It was just daylight and the flashes of the guns could be seen often. We blazed
away for three hours until the Rebels, finding it too hot for them, left their
batteries and all firing ceased. When we stopped, I saw that two-thirds of the
fleet had gone by to join Captain Davis’s fleet two miles above the town while
we were to await below to protect the mortar vessels with the Brooklyn
and several other steamers. We lost a few men., What damage was done to the
fleet which passed, I have not learned yet. The Sciota lost her
On the 29th
the Rebels manned the batteries again and sent a few shots toward us, doing no
damage. The mortar boats engaged again, having found the exact position of the
28th and for several hours kept up a killing fire upon all the
batteries, tearing up dirt around them, falling into them, and sending up large
black clouds of dirt when they exploded. I saw one of their guns tipped over
broken in two by coming in contact with a shell. While the mortars were at it,
we lent a hand and put a few shell over the town into some woods to pick up
what straggling pickets there were out there, I suppose; anyway, in a short
time the Rebels could be seen running towards the large depot in the town and
when they were seen, the fire was all sent in that direction and better shots
could not be made for every shot fell in and around the station, preventing any
cars leaving at that time for certain.
The town is
still in command of the Rebels, and all we wanted that morning was a few troops
to back us to take possession of the batteries, spike the guns, and Vicksburg
would have been ours. But now the town is filling with Rebels, new guns are
being mounted on every bluff, intending to drive us off if possible; but that
don’t go down for we did not come here to be driven by such men. No sir. We
shall stay here until the town comes down, if necessary.
![]() |
General Benjamin Butler |
We have a few
troops here now who are engaged in opening a new canal across a point in front
of the town. The river has fallen from 8-10 feet since we were up here before
and is fast falling now. While I was at New Orleans, I did not go on shore at
all. There are no cases of yellow fever there yet. General Butler rules there
like a true man. He had four men hung for bad conduct while we were there as an
example to the rest. The river is now practically open and our two fleets are
joined. Foote’s flotilla and ours are above Vicksburg. On Tuesday we convoyed a
boat by Grand Bluff but no shots were fired at us while every other boat in the
fleet has received more or less shots. A body of Rebel troops came down from the
town and opened fire upon the mortar boats which are made fast to the bank of
the river. They fired several volleys into the vessel together with artillery;
but in ten minutes the woods were cleared of them and shell after shell were
poured into the woods to hurry up stragglers.
We had a brisk
fight before their batteries I can tell you. The shots whistled over us
spitefully, but nothing compared with the fight before Forts Jackson and St.
Phillip. It seemed like old times to hear the shot come and go. They got the
worst of it, for we could see ambulance wagons go over to the batteries from
the town and pick up men who were killed and wounded. The shells must have
fallen among them like hail. There is no stop to one of our shells when it gets
to going, till it reaches its destination.
We have got
our eyes on a party of Rebels who are mounting a gun on a bluff not 700 yards
abreast of us. It is a large gun and we expect to hear it speak. Our cable was
already for slipping and if they open again on the Kennebec, they may
possibly get a few bullets in the back by a part of the crew of the Kennebec.
We will spoil the looks of that crowd. It is about a mile below the city and
nothing will or can prevent a boat’s crew from surprising them.
On Wednesday
July 2nd, Davis’s mortars having come down from Memphis to the point
above the city opened fire upon the city, a distance of three or four miles,
throwing very good shots. The Rebels have mounted a new rifled gun upon the
upper battery and they have tried it upon us. They fired well, but as quick as
they fire, they are paid all the attention needed by our mortars which put a
dozen or more shells fair and square into the battery. We have found out just
where they are now. A Vicksburg paper states that Beauregard’s army has been
partly disbanded and that 30,000 of his men are here. If that be true, there
will have to be some hard fighting. We can keep them away from the batteries
while General Halleck is putting them through on land.
On Thursday
July the 3rd, the batteries opened on us again but all to no purpose
as their shots were either falling over or falling short. The mortar boats
fired a long time today from both fleets, their shells falling always around or
in the batteries. The Rebels have erected two new batteries to the left of the
city near our fleet above and have fired a number of times. The Fourth of July
passed off with all the sloops-of-war firing a salute at noon and every mast
was decked with the stars and stripes. Other than the salutes, no firing was
done today.
Letter from First Fireman Freeman A. Hurd, U.S.S. Kennebec,
Southbridge Journal (Massachusetts), August 8, 1862, pg. 1
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