Captured in the Hornet's Nest at Shiloh
A year after being captured at the Battle of Shiloh, Frederick F. Kiner of Iowa wrote a small book detailing his experiences in the Union army. As orderly sergeant of Co. I of the 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Kiner was among the 2,200 soldiers captured when General Benjamin Prentiss surrendered his command at the Hornet’s Nest at Shiloh. “I believe it is contended by our leading generals who commanded that battle that they were not surprised and they were fully aware of the Rebel advance,” he noted. “This may all be true, but if it is I scarcely know how to apologize for the neglect to have the army fully aware of their danger. Save for having two- or three-days’ rations cooked, there was no more feeling of care about an enemy than if they were a thousand miles away.”
A cooper by trade, Kiner had just been ordained a minister in the Church of God when he chose to enlist in Co. I of the 14th Iowa November 1861. He along with most of the regiment were captured April 6, 1862 in the Hornet’s Nest and Kiner spent the next six months within the Confederate prisoner of war camps. Appointed orderly sergeant upon his enlistment, he served in that capacity until April 1863 when he was appointed chaplain of the regiment. His account of Shiloh comes from his 1863 book entitled One Year’s Soldiering Embracing the Battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh and the Capture of 200 Officers and Men of the 14th Iowa Infantry and their Confinement Six Months and a Half in Rebel Prisons.
As for my regiment, we were preparing
to go through with our usual Sunday morning inspection. When we received orders
to fall into line, I was just in the act of blacking my boots; one was
finished, the other served its time out without any further attention. But
whatever passed before, one thing was now evident and that was that a strong
force of Rebels was upon us and we had no choice but to fight or give them our
ground which we could not for one moment think of doing. The booming of cannon
was heard, but even then the magnitude of the battle before us was scarcely conjectured
by many, supposing it was but heavy skirmishing and would not amount to a
general engagement of the two great armies.
About 8 o’clock, the firing in our
front and in the direction of Corinth became brisk and heavy and we were
ordered out to take part in the game which we afterwards found to be one of
considerable importance. We took our position in line of battle about two miles
from the river. Our brigade at this time consisted of the 2nd, 7th,
12th, and 14th Iowa regiments commanded by Colonel James
Tuttle; our division was commanded by General W.H.L. Wallace. I am not aware
that any arrangements were made as to the location of the battleground in case
an attack should be made upon us and it is my opinion that it was chosen upon
the emergency of the moment. From all
that I could see or judge, we had no reserve of any amount to strengthen hard-pressed
Shortly after we got into position in
the center, we had an excellent opportunity of trying our hand once more upon
Rebel grit and had a full day’s work before us, too. During all the time, a
brisk firing was kept up upon our right and left flanks and occasionally a
shell would pass over our heads as high as the trees or burst in the air high
above us.
About 10 o’clock we were awakened to a
sense of our duty by two Rebel regiments which advanced upon us. It is my
impression that their object was to silence one of our batteries which lay a
short distance in our rear. Our regiment lay just behind the summit of a small hill
which sloped off gradually both ways; to keep hidden from the enemy, we lay so
close upon the ground that not a gun or anything else could be seen any
distance. Our object was to let them come as close as possible before they
detected us. They came up within 30 paces so that we could see the whites of
their eyes, little knowing how close they were upon their most deadly foe. All
was silent as death; our eyes were already upon the sights of our trusty
muskets; the deadly aim was being taken, every heart beating for the word fire.
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Chaplain Frederick F. Kiner 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry |
moment had come; the prey was sure, and we wished to grasp it. The eyes of our
brave colonel were not closed and at a moment when all was ready, calmly and
deliberatively he gave the order to fire. A simultaneous volley was discharged
into the Rebel ranks which scattered them in every way om shattered and broken
fragments. A few additional volleys completed the work for that time. All that
could get away fled and left their dead and wounded in our hands.
It was
not long, however, until they again attempted to force our lines, but this time
they came a little to our left and more directly upon the 8th Iowa
immediately upon our left. They came forward with determination and fresh vigor
and a heavy force. At this time, a brass battery of three guns came to our assistance.
So infuriated were the Rebels and resolved upon victory that had it not been
for the unflinching and undaunted firmness and bravery of these Iowa troops and
cannoneers, we must have given away. The maddened demons came up so close as to
lay their hands upon the guns of the battery. But their punishment was coming
too heavy; they fell back like sheep led to the slaughter and again had to give
way and leave their dead upon the field.
this time, our flanks were heavily engaged and slowly falling back. We could
easily judge by the sound of the musketry that our forces were losing ground
and things did not stand as favorably with Grant’s army as they might. Regiment
after regiment was falling back; thousands were crowding the riverbank; many
from having been wounded and disabled but many from no other cause than
unpardonable cowardice. Had every regiment and man stood up to the work as they
should, we might have changed the condition of our affairs on our side on
Sabbath evening. But let others do as they might, our brave commander Colonel
William T. Shaw was determined that no coward’s reproach should rest upon him
or his regiment.
the fighting ceased in our front, we faced about and went to assist our forces
upon the left who were falling back very rapidly. We soon engaged the advancing
Rebels and in a short time with the assistance of several other regiments
succeeded in checking them. Here we had hot work; the enemy was pouring in by
the thousands and the fight was terrific, the leaden balls flying thick and
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Colonel William T. Shaw 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry |
But now
our situation became rather serious. We had held our ground against two to three
times our number from 8 o’clock in the morning till late in the afternoon. No
orders came for us to fall back though many other regiments had done so;
neither were there any other fresh troops sent to relieve us or assist us in
our desperate struggle. Still, we stood our ground as soldier after soldier fell,
some wounded, others killed. Undaunted and determined to do our best till the
last with unwavering spirits, we sent volley after volley into the Rebel ranks.
But what were 3,000 men against 10,000?
At 5 o’clock
in the evening, we discovered that the regiments upon our right and gone back
and the enemy had taken advantage of this break in the line and succeeded in
getting in our rear, and began at once to pour upon us a terrible fire of
musketry and artillery. This was more than human power could stand. It was only
a question of time with us; one hour or less was sufficient to sink the whole
of our gallant little band of heroes into their last sleep of death. What could
we do? What would people ask us to do? Fight when there was no hope of success,
and every moment certain death to many? None who are rational would ask us nor would
a reasonable person expect us to do anything but what we did, and that was to
surrender to those who were our superiors in number and position.
At 5:30
that night, we were prisoners of war, but not without having first done our
duty. We felt clear of any reproach that one might feel disposed to lay upon
us. Though we were in Rebel hands, we felt that the stigma of cowardice could
not be attached to us. When we were taken, to all appearances the day was
considerably against our army and it is my firm conviction that our holding out
to the last, even until surrounded and captured, was the safety to a great
extent of Grant’s army. Holding the enemy in check in the center till the late
hours of the evening gave time for our forces to arrange another line of battle
in our rear. By the time we were taken off the field, it was too late for the
enemy to commence a heavy engagement that night. If it is true that our capture
or holding out to the last assisted in securing the safety of the Union army
and hence the ultimate defeat of the enemy, I shall never regret my fate though
it fills the saddest period of my life.
After we
were taken, they marched us perhaps five miles that same evening it being some
time after dark before we halted. Our place of lodging was out in a cornfield
with a strong guard all around us. This fight night under Rebel guns was a disagreeable
one, not only because we were weary and fatigued but because we were under a
terrible shower of rain. But few of us had any blankets, having left them in
our tents when we went into battle. However, during the night we were allowed
to get some rails and make fires which helped matters some.
As soon
as it was daylight, we were called up into line and counted upon which it was
ascertained that we had over 200 of our own regiment. After we were counted, they
went through the motions of issuing us something to eat which consisted of a small
piece of raw pork about the size of two fingers with some moldy crackers, some
received a whole one and others only half of one.
We had
scarcely dispatched this scanty morsel when we discovered the whole gang of
Rebels in the midst of a terrible excitement. The cavalry were flying about and
a double line of guards were stationed around us. In fact, they stood so close
that they touched elbows all around the line; every man cocked his gun and came
to a ready. What all this meant we could not at first conjecture. Were they
going to murder us right there in cold blood? This could hardly be possible. Bu
why cock every gun as if ready for the first signal to fire? I must confess
that as we stood drawn up in line with every gun pointing directly upon us,
things looked as if there might be serious work committed; but after a few
moments, they were ordered to put up their guns and take things more coolly. We
learned after a while that their cavalry scouts had gone out in the morning towards
Shiloh and discovered that Grant and Buell were driving their forces back. When
they returned bringing this intelligence, the Rebels supposed our whole army
was right upon them and we would either be retaken or break out and try to
made all speed to get ready and in a short time we were on our way to Corinth,
a distance of at least 15 miles from where we stayed all night. In going this
distance, we found the roads extremely bad, many places it was barely possible
for teams to get through with empty wagons and sometime we had to wade through
mud nearly knee deep. The Rebels appeared to be uneasy the whole time; they
would every once in a while hurry us along and as the couriers occasionally
overtook us we could easily discover that all was not well with the army. As we
passed the town and dwellings on our way to Corinth, we usually found them
occupied by the wounded soldiers they had sent back during the first day’s
fight and from what we could see, they loss in killed and would must have been
hungry and miserable we prosecuted our journey onward and arrived in Corinth a
little before dark. We halted in the streets, threw ourselves down upon the
ground to rest and awaited further orders. We remained in the streets until
sometime after dark when they commenced stowing us away in the cars for further
transportation. By this time, it commenced raining hard and we were soon again
wet through and through. The wind blew a perfect gale and for hours we stood
exposed to all this chilling storm, but about midnight we were all aboard. The
thought of being a prisoner among a set of Rebels was more than I could reconcile
peaceably in my mind.
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14th Iowa monument at Shiloh National Battlefield |
Frederick F. One Year’s Soldiering Embracing the Battles of Fort Donelson
and Shiloh and the Capture of 200 Officers and Men of the 14th Iowa
Infantry and their Confinement Six Months and a Half in Rebel Prisons. Lancaster:
E.H. Thomas, 1863, pgs. 51-67
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