Assaulting the Round Forest: A Confederate Viewpoint
First Sergeant John H. Nichols served in Co. F, of the 16th Tennessee Volunteers during the Civil War and in 1902 left a poignant account of his experiences assaulting the Round Forest at Stones River. An unidentified Confederate private holding a flintlock musket. The courage of men like these who staged assault after assault against the Round Forest at Stones River was extraordinary. The 16th Tennessee, known as the First Mountain Regiment, was raised in the eastern portion of the state in May and June of 1861 and was commanded by Seminole and Mexican War veteran Colonel John Houston Savage. Colonel Savage was a colorful character by all accounts and likely deserves a blog post all of his own. Nichols company, Co. F, was raised in Putnam County and was known as "The Highlanders." Putnam County had been organized in the mid-1850s and its particular value to the Confederacy lay in the saltpeter mines which lay within the county boundaries. Map of middl...